
Do drugs help people become awere?

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Do drugs help people become awere?




  1. some keep us aware and mostly they make us dizzzzzzy

  2. When I was high on acid a couple of times, everything felt so clear and simple. I solved all the problems in my life and knew exactly how to be happy. Unfortunately I never wrote any of that down and forgot everything the next morning. If I ever trip on acid again I'll remember to bring a notepad or a tape recorder. How awesome would that be to read or hear the next day?

    Drugs just alter your perception. Perception is reality, so you're just looking at things in a different light. The mind is so strange and powerful.

  3. The word "awere" is spelled "aware"

    Now stop using drugs and asking questions like this!

  4. First, "awere" is not a word, as far as I know.  If you meant "aware",  I would suggest that none of the ethical pharmaceuticals  that I know about (prescription drugs for the most part) have anything in their label (the actual directions for physicians)  that mention anything about "awareness".  I think "awareness" might be a new concept.  I don't know that I know what it means.  Of course "depression" and "erectile dysfunction"  were conditions that the pharmaceutical industry  defined.  It is very often the case that an illness is not defined until a drug that fixes it is found.  This is not to bash the pharmaceutical industry or doctors,  it is actually to congratualte them. Sometimes a Doctor cannot figure out what you have until you respond to a drug.  I'm not sure I helped here and I will disclose that I work in the pharmaceutcal field.

  5. It depends on drugs.  A little (not much) alcohol helps to concentrate.

  6. Uh... sometimes... I would not advise it, drugs can be very addicting and potentially life-ruining whether you use them wrong or not. That is just how they are. So I would adivse you not to go that route.

  7. it amazes me how many people who know nothing about drugs seem to know all about drugs.  I'll bet they acquired their knowledge from TV. the government would never lie to them, so, they're experts.

    the use of drugs and herbal substances in ritual, sacramental, religious practices is as old as civilization.  depending on the drug, your state of mind and health, your social situtation, whatever, different drugs make you aware of different things. some drugs make you UNaware of things.  that is what "drugs" do.

  8. I see where you're going. Its like distillation. Being able to make a clear distinction between your blurriness and your sharpness. I think some drugs can get you to accomplish this.

    You probably think it ain't good to take em in the long term.

    But they keep you from "throwing the baby out with the bath water".

  9. Oh yes...of their own mortality. Don't use or abuse. If you have a genuine, medically diagnosed problem and the medication you are taking is prescribed by a doctor, that of course is a different situation. Otherwise, take up a different hobby.

  10. Wow! What a bunch of answers! I think what you were referring to is whether some drugs make people more aware of the "bigger picture".( as in the LSD trip). I can't believe how many people were saying don't do drugs!  You were not asking that. sigh. Drugs have been used in all cultures for religious experiences, awareness etc. Some people believe LSD will bring you to the center of yourself and the world. There are many instances where the practice is used in religious experiences, so yes, those people believe that it has some power to help bring you closer to the "it".

  11. Some drugs help people become aware,

    others don't.

  12. They help people become aware of police officers, jailtime, and paranoia.

  13. NO, sweety drugs kill. They suck the life from you. your spirit, your joy, your smile, your breath, your hope, your friends, your dignity, your integrity, your job. and then you die maybe if your not lucky you'll keep waking up wanting more. This is no BS and I'm no NA preacher, just a chick that's suffocating in my own hurt. Go ahead get hi over and over and more and more. When you wake up maybe you wont be dead. Just walk away, run,run,run so fast. Go on a search--look up Meth, crack, weed, pills, coke you'll see. Go ahead do it --and I promise you will watch your own death and so will every body else. I put Florida DOC as a source cause if your not in a body bag you WILL be there. Come to IM on yahoo kay_ou812_99 to chat but please leave your steam, light bulb, bowl , straws and mirror at home.

  14. Certain drugs make people "feel" that they have become more aware - it's a euphoric feeling - it makes you feel that it's "real" because it's what you like and want.  It feels great in the beginning, but the more often you do it, the faster the feeling wears off so you take more drugs to get that feeling back i.e. maintain.  That's how it hooks you.  All you need to do is look at someone who is on drugs and see how totally out-of-it they are to realize that it's a false sense the drug gives you.  Best to not even try them.  Some people don't get hooked and some people are hooked the first time they try them - you don't know until it happens.  Stay away.

  15. prescribed or illegal?or the placebo ones?some might "aware" you,some might not,it all depends what is your

    definition of aware,but definitely there's got to be some reaction ,they interact with the neuronal system in the brain,

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