
Do drugstores sell eyelash serum or something to make lashes grow on their own and look better/healthier?

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Do drugstores sell eyelash serum or something to make lashes grow on their own and look better/healthier?




  1. I don't know, but I heard that if you put Vaseline on your eyelashes at night it will make them grow and look healthier.

  2. i doubt it. maybe try a beauty shop.

  3. go to a beauty shop say like sally's

  4. Baby oil will actually damage your lashes. It has chemicals in it. This is meant for your body. NOT YOUR EYES.

    Olive oil or vaseline are good for the lashes.

    Almond oil makes them grow.

    Get an old mascara wand, and clean it off.

    Dip it in vaseline, olive oil, or almond oil and swipe it on before you go to sleep.  

  5. the easiest thing to try oil. not only does it hydrates your lashes, but it also when using the proper eyelash curler, just dab a small amount on the rubber part of the curler and presto! not only are your lashes healthy but they are curled as well.

    I hope this has been some help.

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