
Do ducks actually like the wet weather? if yes, why?

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any day i spend at work and its raining (like today) i always get people making comments about how the ducks will be happy with this weather.




  1. Ducks need water to keep feathers in good conidations to protect themselves from water logging while swimming and in wet weather.

    Ducks are incredible resistant to some disease and cold weather. They love water to eat out of to swim in play and clen there feathers.

    Ducks eat by dabbling-straining plankton and other tasty morseles from the water threw there bills.

    Ducks love the water to maintain feathers and feed some ducks stay in certian areas all year warm weather and eat swim play from lakes, ponds rivers and small areas of water from rain fall.But most love the rain this helps with the food and a cleaner place to swim and relax.

    In a good rain the ducks like since this leaves a better supply of mosquitoe  larvae to eat. They don't like a drenching rain or strong storm A hard rain can weight the babies feathers down (more like fuzz)  this can kill the babies.If this happens the babies will loose heat and die. The babies arenever fed by mothers she only keeps with her and showes them where to eat and what to eat.

  2. okay well ducks do NOT like rainy days.

    the migrate or fly in flocks a lot because they are running/flying away from the bad weather

  3. Ducks don't really care. They have oils on their feathers that repel water, so rain doesn't bother them. And, by the way, they migrate in the winter to escape freezing weather, not just rain.

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