
Do ducks lose some of their color during the summer?

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We have a duck in our pond, and he is losing some of the brightness of his color and we wonder if it is because all ducks do this in the summer? Or is he somehow ill?




  1. Yes-- Males go into what is called Eclipse= molt and loose their sexually dimorphic coloration  (which means)  When in Eclipse, males resembles females, males are generally in eclipse for about two months.

    In late summer this takes place. This is important for ducks to molt! This replaces worn out/ damaged feathers. Feathers protect birds from elements and the ability to fly. Feathers also insulate the birds from heat and cold plus helps to let water run off. Also there unique looks.

    Without there feathers birds would  be flightless, cold, sunburned, unidentifiable and very unattractive to all of us.

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