
Do ear wigs really go inside your ear?

by  |  earlier

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im so scared.

i found two yesterday in my bedroom and i just FREAKED!...i thought it was a baby scorpian...(i know...very stupid - but they do look like it!)this was around 2.00am in the morning, so i couldnt call anyone to come and kill 'em for me...i just hoovered them up! Do they REALLY go inside your ear? omg.....




  1. interesting little creatures, I like to watch them under a magnifying glass. They are fairly harmless but can give you a nip with those pincers at the back .

  2. Didnt you hear? Thats what happend to president Bush it went into his brain and now it controls him

  3. It depends on three things:

    the size of the earwig

    the size of your ear canal

    how hard you push


  4. What's an ear wig? An earwig does not like going into ears. They are called earwigs because they listen to other peoples conversations.

  5. Nope,

    i was on a school trip and i said that to my teacher and he was they don't

    pretty humiliating! but yeh, they don't go in your ear :)

  6. no they are just called ear wigs they don't go in your ear and eat your brains like some people think !

  7. No, they don't, but if you want to check go on


  8. Apparently, their name is latin - 'erywigge' (not sure how you spell it), but it translates literally as ' wiggle a*se'! So its just a change of pronunciation that people think of them as earwigs - your ears are quite safe!!!

  9. dohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

    no they dnt

  10. of course they do ! but not intentionally.

  11. No

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