
Do electric cars use lead acid batteries?

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Do electric cars use lead acid batteries?




  1. It depends on the car most use li-ion.

  2. The truth.

    Lithium-ion batteries can easily rupture, ignite, or explode when exposed to high temperatures. Li-ion batteries can even go into a state that is known as deep discharge. At this point, the battery may take a very long time to recharge.

    The nickel-metal hydride battery is an answer to many of the problems plaguing electric cars. Nickel-metal hydride batteries are primarily used in cellular phones and laptop computers. A car equipped with this battery has a greater range. In the American Tour de Sol it traveled approximately 375 miles on a single charge in expressway and city driving conditions. Its recharge time is much less than that of the lead acid battery reaching 60% capacity in fifteen minutes. It has twice the performance of lead acid batteries at 80 Wh/kg.

    However, nickel-metal hydride batteries have their downfalls as well. At present, an electric car with these batteries is much more expensive than lead acid batteries with an estimated cost of $74,000.00 to $33,995.00 for the same car with lead acid batteries.

  3. YES

  4. * Lead-acid batteries are the most available and inexpensive. Such conversions generally have a range of 30 to 80 km (20 to 50 miles). Production EVs with lead-acid batteries are capable of up to 130 km (80 miles) per charge.

        * NiMH batteries have higher energy density and may deliver up to 200 km (120 miles) of range.

        * New lithium-ion battery-equipped EVs provide 400-500 km (250-300 miles) of range per charge.[18]

  5. The cheapest electrics used lead-acid, but other chemistries are vastly preferred.  Lead-acid batteries are easily available (typically Trojans or Yellow-tops) but they also have the poorest energy density, i.e. range for the weight. (lead is heavy).  Most lead-acid batteries are also cheaply made and have poor service lives, lasting only 5 years or so in a vehicle.   They are very toxic, however, trivial to recycle, since nearly all car batteries are already recycled.

    Nickel-metal-hydride batteries are much better for range-for-weight, however my understanding is that patents tightly held by Ovonic Corp. have complicated the use of this type in electric cars.

    Two very similar chemistries are nickel-cadmium and nickel-iron, used widely in the telecom industry, but not in electric vehicles. For instance, nickel-iron railroad signal batteries can last 20-30 years in standby service.

    One of the most powerful is lithium-ion, similar to laptop computer and cell phone batteries.

    Someday "over the rainbow" there will be hydrogen fuel cells, very similar to a battery, but fed by hydrogen carried onboard with oxygen from the air.

  6. The new lithium battery that you will use in your appliances will provide you with a superior working capacity. To make sure that this lithium battery can be used in many different types of appliances you will find that there is a number of different shapes and sizes of this lithium battery. The lithium battery can also be used by consumers in various types of electrical products.

    You will find that these batteries are also used in powering hybrid electric cars and normal electric cars too.

    Now while the use of these batteries is quite popular in a number of situations there are many drawbacks to the use of a lithium battery. You will need to keep these advantages and disadvantages in mind. Once you have considered all of these factors you will then be in a position to decide if you want to buy these lithium batteries. You will need to see the safety notes which are provided with these batteries in order to make the batteries work well.

    The full article is here:

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