
Do elephants f**t?

by Guest66878  |  earlier

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Do elephants f**t?




  1. Many animals f**t too. Cats, dogs, and cows. Elephants f**t the most. ~

  2. Yes, they do. It sounds like this:


  3. All animals f**t, including insects.  Excess air, formed by the process of digestion, MUST be eliminated from the body.  Remember, even the President Of The United States farts.

  4. They certainly do, yes. They have enormous stomachs full of symbiotic bacteria to help them digest the cellulose in their diet - this process produces a lot of gas (herbivores in general f**t more than carnivores for just this reason). I used to be a zookeeper, and can assure you that elephant farts and faeces smell worse than any other animal's!

  5. Yes in elephant can f**t. If an animal has a butt it has gas.

  6. Every animals do, since farting is basically getting gas out from intestine through a**s :(

    Well when food is digested, some kind of gases are produces from the food, and those gases need to be thrown out, or they might poison the body instead.

    So, the answer is yes.
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