
Do elephants hold a grudge /asked on news tonight?

by Guest61569  |  earlier

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Do elephants,,dogs ..kangaroos ,tigers do you think these thinking animals remember unkind things done to them???.I do !!!,,and react defensiveness as they remember HARM DONE TO THEM ...What ya think..???




  1. a few years back i saw anews story about a circus elephant whose trainer abusied him for years. untill one performance the elephant keep steping on him untill there was not much left. so it's abig yes!!!!!

  2. If someone took you from where you lived and put you in an environment where you were on show, don't you think you may develop an attitude problem? : ^)

  3. If you watch animals that get in fights, they forgive and forget right away.  They don't even think about it.  They may remember it, but they don't hold it in their head and waste their time thinking about it on a daily basis.

    Humans have got to be the craziest things... they have to learn to forgive.  All of the time they hold the grudge just makes things worse and they are the only things on this planet that waste their mental capacity doing it.

  4. i just read an article and it says that even after a century they still remember people who abuse them or even there trainers

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