
Do employers care how long it took you to get your bachelor degree?

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Here's my situation:

I graduated from high school in 2005. When I started college, I didn't really know what I wanted to major in, so I changed my major several times. I stayed at a community college for 3 years as a result (summers included), but I got all of my basic classes out of the way (math, science, etc...). Note: I didn't work either, because I wanted to focus strictly on school.

This semester (Fall 08) is my first semester at a University, and I'm majoring in Graphic Design. However, since I've never taken any graphic design classes before, it's going to take me at least 3 more years to graduate because most of those classes are sequential. I'm actually planning on taking two semesters off for internships (great for resumes, plus I need some work experience), so that means I have 4 more years until I graduate - Spring 2012. During this time, I plan on working part-time as a graphic designer, and I will also be getting involved with several school organizations related to my major.

This means that it will have taken me 7 years to get my Bachelor's degree. I regret that I didn't know what I wanted to major in when I first started college, because it is causing me to take forever to graduate.

Will it matter to employers that I took so long to get my Bachelor's degree?

-B H




  1. Not really. What's important is that you've earned it.  

  2. They really won't know how long it took unless you tell them. When you list your educational credentials on your resume, you only give your graduation date (or expected date). The date that you started school isn't listed on the resume, so they won't know when you started, thus they won't be able to determine how long you've been in college.

  3. No, I really don't think so

  4. I guess not - It took me 20 years

  5. no it took me 15 years.  you also will have lots of good work experience that most grads wont have

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