
Do employers do any check on lifeguard certification?

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I am going to be an asst manager at a pool and am just curious if employers have to do a check to ensure all their lifeguards are certified? Is just handing the employer a copy of your lifeguarding card enough or do they call Red Cross to confirm it? Thanks!




  1. They will probably need a copy of your certificate. Or atleast they do that for the beaches here. I don't know about pools and different employers but generally they want to make sure you are certified to do the job and show proof to inspectors that their employees are certified and on record.

  2. It really depends on the employer. Some of the private pools I have worked at didn't even request to have a copy of my lifeguarding certificate (illegal). Others just wanted me to flash it, and at the YMCA I felt like a Muslim at the airport with all the background checks just to be a lifeguard.

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