
Do energy drinks like Monster and Red Bull hurt your body?

by Guest64931  |  earlier

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Do energy drinks like Monster and Red Bull hurt your body?




  1. I think they make you feel bleh afterwards so physically doesnt like harm you real bad but, I dont like them cause they  make me feel either really tired after or hurt my tummy.

  2. if you drink too many then they can be really bad, and can lead to death.

    if you only drink one, you get jittery and crash. AND there's a LOT of sugar and calories.

  3. Every time I've had energy drinks they make my heart race and I feel like I'm going to pass out.

    that cant be good for you..

  4. the ninja says "yes" they do cuz of the high sugar level in the drinks plus rules like "you drink only 3 a day" cuz it could give ya a heart attack.

  5. Try a healthy energy drink instead. Such as Liftoff. Its packed full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. call me at (308)340-1648 or email me at for more info.

  6. well yes/no

    they help your body have energy but only for a short time and after the short time is done its makes your body feel twice a bad as u did before you drank the drink

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