
Do environmentalists just ignore the fact that greenhouse gasses are 95% water vapor?

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I'm really sick of the "global warming cult", the way people are being persecuted for having a different belief, and the addition of carbon taxes and hidden fees to support something has been proven not to exsist.

Do most enviros just follow the crowd or do any of them do THEIR OWN research ???




  1. Wanna know something great? The head of the weather channel does not believe in global warming. He challenged Al Gore to go on one of the shows on the weather channel to prove that global warming is a serious threat to the world, and Gore refused.

  2. Please share your source and who funds your source.

  3. Maybe some are, but the climate scientists who are the ones telling those people global warming is a concern are certainly not ignoring it. I am not ignoring it.

    Are you just ignoring the other 5% that is not water vapoor? Do you understand that if even 0.1% of the heat that used to escape to space is now trapped on Earth, and that goes on for years and decades and centries, that it adds up to a significant warming? It isn't the size of the greenhouse effect that is the problem. It is the fact that it is going up. And even more importantly the reason it is going up is not natural.

  4. STL... I would say yes they ignore it.. If their findings go against government views which are predominantly liberal they might have to look elsewhere for the funding grants to do these studies that produce these bogus theories. Evolution is another good example of this. Hope that helped...God bless you !

  5. Ummm.. yes most scientist even ignore that fact and the fact that termites create more green house gas than humans.

  6. If I gave you a drink that was 95 percent water but 5 percent poison, would you drink it?

  7. Water vapor is the largest greenhouse gas.  Are we going to dry up the oceans to get rid of it?  I think not!

  8. That's like saying that we shouldn't fight crime because 95% of people don't commit crimes. It's not a matter of numbers or percentages; it's a matter of what is done by the factors that we can control.

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