
Do evolutionists believe in evolution so that they can be labeled as "intellectuals"?

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Because I think believing in evolution is by faith not through evidence as they want to insist.




  1. No, to be labeled as accepting of the truth.

    I think you are not capable of understanding the evidence. We call that ignorance. Being capable of understanding the evidence and refusing to accept it is called, willful ignorance; a great evil

  2. no. they just don't know any better.

  3. I am a creationist, so I can't answer that, but it certainly seems plausible given the name calling I've seen from them over on R&S. Their biggest argument seems to be that anyone who believes the Bible is "brainwashed" and stupid. If you dare to imply the evolution has not been proven to your satisfaction, you get lots of thumbs down and more name calling. Leaves me a little unimpressed with their "intellectualism".

  4. The truth hurts, doesn't it???

  5. Some of them yeah. They just want to appear smart and educated when really they don't know what they're talking about. Maybe they should read up on some facts before speaking on the issue...

  6. Nope.

    I have no interest in being labeled an 'intellectual.' In fact, it makes me laugh to think anyone would call me that.

    I DO, however, have an interest in understanding the natural world through science. THAT is why I am an evolutionist.

  7. Ah, but the Bon Dieu must have created evolution to create all of these marvelous mechanisms in which we live in! The idea of creationism is an abomination of God's foresight and wisdom.

    I, too, am a devout believer in God. And yet, the Good Lord would never let a contingency such as this pass by.

  8. In the history of dumb questions ever asked in the Anthropology Section, I think this must be the #1 of all time.

  9. Do Christians believe in creationism so they can be labeled "ignorant?"

    No, of course not.  Labels do not a believer nor non-believer make.  You either believe something to be so, or not.

  10. This is a dumb question.

  11. I believe in evolution so I can be labeled as "rational".

  12. No, they are "evolutionists" because they studied science in school, not in church.

    They also read than one book.

    Just for your information, a good deal of the world has accepted evolution as the most likely way that humans developed, including the Catholic Church (see link, section 63). It is about time you came out of the dark ages, or you are just going to look really stupid. Like the last people to accept that the Earth really did go around the Sun.


  13. I think evolution is based on science and religion is based on faith.

  14. It's really too bad that you did not use the second half of your comment to phrase your question - i.e. - "How much of evolutionary thought is based on faith as opposed to evidence?"

    This would have lead to a much less polarized, more interesting, and possibly less strident set of answers.  

    The answer to the question you posed however is "No" we believe in evolution because like all other good scientific theories, it is our current best guess and is supported by the available evidence (and yes, there is some faith in this, but it is not irrational faith)

  15. No.  They believe in it because it is provably correct.  Even without the proof, there isn't the slightest doubt about the truth of evolution in the mind of anyone who actually knows something about the subject; see:

  16. I'm a Christian but in high school biology I became interested in evolution.  I wasn't one for science, mostly seemed boring, but when we went over the parasite relationship and how that was the way that cells came together to create organisms, that blew me away. In college I took Anthro, the only course with an opening, and made perfect scores.  Since then I have taken other human sciences, management classes and do very well.  In the military, I made top scores on survival tests and leadership. I have taken many language and history courses.  I am geared to be in these areas.  Maybe some people have a higher degree of survival instinct and must seek out the answers to questions of why we are human.  I know that ancient man was big into symbolism (writting itself is symbols) and think that the Bible is symbolic on many subjects. To me there is no conflict between science and religion with science being the method that brings God's works into the light. I don't understand people who say there is no God and don't understand those that can't see the wonder and complexity of his work.  Yes, I have been labelled intellectual on tests and by people who know me. The big picture is that God wants us to survive, do you have a problem with that?

    As an afternote: you need to know that all that we do is geared toward survival. Even those things considered higher thought processes:  A love poem gets the girl that gets you children so a part of you survives.  Religion gives you strength so that you have the power to survive. We call each other stupid saying that the other needs to get survival skills to survive because one's survival may depend on the other's survival. A doctor that is a 6 day creationist is not going to have the knowlegde to cure as well.  Our survival depends on the survival skills of each other because our brains are our only weapons in life. For survival's sake, please try to understand.

  17. No.

    We evolved until we had the intellect to understand evolution.

  18. Relax need to get hot tempered nor too defensive. This is actually one of the most interesting questions I have encountered.

    The truth is evolution, unlike creation is taught in school and college so people get the idea that the belief about evolution is an educated and intellectual belief, originated and developed in the scientific ground. Which would you prefer? To believe in something many researchers have studied, or to believe in the "traditional" belief of creation? Of course many would prefer that first option. Let's not forget that students also tend to believe what their professors teach them.

    Evolutionists are people who want to prove things that happened billions of years ago and yet cannot explain the things they see around them in their life time. They have the "proof" of the existence billions of years ago about the almost infinite (if not infinite) universe but they don't even know 1% of their planet where they live in now.

    They believe that non intellectual beings yielded intellectual beings, but they as intellectual beings are not even capable to produce one living thing, be it as simple as a grass in the field.

    They are so "intelligent" but they don't know the important things in life.

    A man's life is just a little bit more than a hundred years, why spend your whole life trying to manuever the things that happened billions of years ago while your own death you cannot control.

    While trying to learn about the past when the world did not even exist, try to learn more about the present and the future and how you can live your life in a more meaningful way.

    Think about this...

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