
Do eyebrows affect..

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do eyebrows affect the way you look like of course it does but is it such a big deal?




  1. people dont realize it, but they do.

  2. Yeah.. by cleaning up your eyebrows you can really soften your whole look, especially if your eyebrows are crazy. I acutally had a small unibrow until I was about 13 (finally decided to pluck the d**n thing) and now i pluck a bit under, what  difference

  3. yah it makes a girl look better and prettier

  4. yes

  5. Yeahhhh

  6. Yeah they do !

    Lol its kinda weird

  7. to me it matters a lot!

    and it also matters on guys:)

  8. most def. the shape of ur eyes n ur face  

  9. Just look at pictures of celebrities from the eighties to now.  Thinner eyebrows soften the face (not too thin, then you look old).  Also eyebrow color plays a factor in your facial features.  Someone with black eyebrows might want to soften them to a dark brown to give a more feminine look.  Just imagine how you would look with Bert's eyebrows from Sesame Street..... Exactly, not s**y...

  10. Yes laud

  11. To me it does....

    It scares me how much eyebrows change the way you look

  12. It definitely is a big deal sometimes, but some people just have nice eyebrows naturally or actually if you wax or pluck or get them threaded a certain way for long enough, they really just start to grow that way. That's what happened to me I waxed and plucked them for soo long now I don't do anything and they just stay that way all the time.

  13. i think it does effect how people see you

    if you have big bushy ones people will think your sloppy

    if you have well kept ones

    people will think you take the time to make them look good

    i hope this helps :D

  14. Eyebrow shape makes a HUGE difference!  I can't even explain how big a deal.  If you've ever seen someone with super skinny eyebrows grow them out, you'll know what I mean.

  15. yeah it is very big like ive heard that thin eyebrows make you look old eww and bushy ones ok their discusting i noe dat lol y ? thgough

  16. oviously

  17. Yes, the eyebrows shape the face.

  18. Well, when I was 11 I had super bushy eyebrows...then when I turned 12, my mom let me get them done....I'm not really phased by pain so I continued every two weeks without a problem...I used to just be brushed off as another girl...but after I started getting them done, I used to always get compliments about my eyes and how pretty I was. I think what it does is takes attention from your unshaped or bushy eyebrows and brings attention to your natural beauty.

    Also, some people say they have thin eyebrows and don't need them done. If you have very thin eyebrows, I would consider getting an arch so even though they aren't very thick, they have an arch and grow in, sooner or later, very beautifully and thick looking. I think it makes a big difference, but if it's a big deal??? should get yours done once...see how you like it...and you decide if it's a big deal for YOU
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