
Do eyes eyes look better with eyeliner or without?

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Do eyes eyes look better with eyeliner or without?




  1. just depends on you

  2. depends, like if you have green or blue eyes eyeliner makes them stick out more, so its pretty

    if you have brown eyes leave it alone

  3. with!

    but mascara looks better. it makes my eyes look big and awake

  4. It depends how much you wear and what color eyeliner you choose to wear since there's almost every color. It also depends on wear you apply it. Like under the eye, on the eyelid, only on the top, only on the bottom, or just... everywhere. xD

  5. depends on your eyes like blue and green eyes stick out more with eyeliner  

  6. it depends

  7. with :]

    my eyes are dark and they look really pretty with eyeliner


  8. depends what kind and how much you are using....

  9. Generally guys hate makeup.

    We like the affects of makeup, but we dont want to see that your wearing it.

    Makeup that blends in well enough that we cant tell your wearing it is best.

    So it depends on the eyeliner

  10. Umm i think that eyes look nice without eyeliner if you've got loads of mascara on =) x

  11. umm i would probably need a picture to tell ya, but idk if you wear too much on the top, i wouldn't wear any at all. and dont (if you use eyeliner on your bottom lids), go all the way to the crease of your eyes. it looks wayyyyy stupid. no offense if you do, but you don't want to completely close out your eyes. it's tacky like a fifth grader put it on.

    :D hope i helped! good luck girl.

  12. With

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