
Do family units need one parent to stay at home?

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I think its essential that at least one parent in a family stays off and cares for the children, not always the woman however woman in my opinion are better at caring for children, its natural.

Not in all cases though i know many familys where the woman works and the man looks after the kids, i just feel that both working deprives the kids.

You cant get a childminder to give the love and affection of their parents.




  1. Sure, in a perfect world, one parent could stay home and give their undivided time and attention to raising the kids. However, with the rising cost of living, its nearly impossible. I think that during the early years, its extremely important (before the kids go to school), but I don't think that it deprives them of anything if that situation can't be done. If I had to choose, I would rather "deprive" the kids of a few hours with a parent in exchange to have food, housing, clothing, bill paid, and other needs met. Not everyone is fortunate enough, financially, to let someone stay home. I was a single parent for 11 years, and being the only person bringing in any kind of money, my daughter stayed with my mom while I worked, so, it was the next best thing to a parent. Looking back, sure, I would have loved to have stayed home and spent some quality bonding time, but, someone had to pay the bills.  

  2. No, but children can have their own lives while their growing up, and daycare means meeting new friends, etc. I am guessing you mean while the children are too young for school. Once they're in school, I feel both parents should work if for no other reason than to save for college/university as at least here in the U.S. that has become prohibitively expensive.

    I don't think there is one right answer. Children can get love from their parents when they are at home. They really have much more capacity for self-reliance than one would think.

  3. I agree with you.   A mother is naturally caring and the child is automatically connected to her while inside of her for 9 months.  So she should be there to until the kids are in grade school at least.  I'm ole school and feel that the man should bring home the bacon and mom should prepare it.

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