
Do famous people "really" look that perfect-or is it all the make-up?

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I mean seriously, do they actually have pimples under all that guck?!?!




  1. 1) if you see them face to face - its make up

    2) on pictures - photography tricks(Adobe photoshop)

    Without makeup they are just like any ordinary  peoples.

  2. they're not perfect. yes, some of them have pimples, some of them have black circles under their eyes, or wrinkles , scars... they also have their waist , arms and thighs modified so they look thinner and tanned. nobody is that perfect

  3. Probably.  I mean, they have a whole life that revolves around being beautiful, so they probably are more healthy and balanced than the average person. They can also afford a personal trainer to keep fit, and somebody to do their cooking.

    But as far as when you see them out on the red carpet, yeah, they're going to take every precaution possible to look great in front of millions of people.  

  4. Its makeup and photoshop.

    I mean lets take a look at Miley Cyrus..

    a pretty girl you see on Disney..

    well if you look really closely into her face..

    espically the esp. when the rock comes on.

    she has this HUGE zit that you can see under tons of make up

    and in her photoshoots if ya notice :D

  5. It's pretty much all the makeup. Just take a look at pictures of the celebrities without makeup:

  6. yup! they do have pimples! and in magazines they are retouched with a computer, which can remove ANY skin blemish.

  7. It's not makeup dear, it's called Photoshop.

  8. not really....some of 'em have true b-u-t.....but not all....i mean there all plastic surgery.  

  9. most of it is make-up, but sometimes on movies and possibly tv shows they use a program and paint over the blemishes on their skin via computer

  10. makeup, botox, plastic surgery, photoshop, etc etc etc.

  11. It's all down to... make up/make up artists, cosmetic surgery, having the money to buy the best products, and of course... air brushing! I suppose a lot of celebs are quite pretty in the first place though... as this is often what makes them so famous! But it's all 'perfected' through those methods :)

  12. hah lol photoshop

    there all really ugly

  13. Editing skills, hun.

    Pretty pathetic. I know.

  14. makeup & airbrushing. Having a good set of makeup brushes gives us precision...sponges suck.

  15. I can tell you stars go through altleast 10 bottles of concealer a month. OF COURSE ITS NOT REAL!! No one can be that perfect, they use all of these fancy photo programs that can make all of there blemishes disapear.

  16. make up and plastic surgery

  17. Makeup and Photoshop :)

  18. it's make up and photoshop but some celebrities look actually better without make up and photoshop...

  19. it's all in the make and probably plastic surgey.

  20. heck no! its all airbrushed! google airbrushed celebrities and you'll see some before and after pics of celebs. they make them look taller, thinner, take away bags under their eyes, give them a smaller butt, etc. of course they have pimples!

  21. makeup and airbrushing and stuff like that. look in those tabloid things and they always catch them without makeup and stuff... its usually not pretty lol

  22. Make up and photoshop!

  23. What guck?

    depending is it a photo, on movies or in person.

    anything can be touched up on the computer, movies can be relighted and adjusted to flatter the actor, in person a great makeup artist can hide the imperfection.

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