
Do farmers know that some of us think about them alot and how important they are in this world?

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  1. Yeah if not then they wouldn't keep growing the stuff they grow!

  2. Some do.  Most just work very hard with no thanks.

    May God bless you.

  3. no as someone said 95% of them dont know that some of us think abt them. even mahatma gandhi said farming is the best profession in the world. Jonathan Swift

    (Gulliver's Travels) wrote “Whoever makes two ears of corn or two blades of grass to grow, where only one grew before, deserves better of mankind and does more essential service to his country…”. but its true that those farmers are less rememberd in these rat race and dog eating dog days. media can paly a major role here..more channels and newpapers can be brought excusively on farming community

  4. Oh hun I love you already. But the answer is not really. Farmers get a lot of flack from tree huggers, developers and city folk. They endure massive ammounts of regulation and red tape just to make a living. So its rare to get someone pat us on the back and say thanx.

    But know that this farmer appreciates your sentiment and is glad that you like what we do. Spread the good work Millady! ~ an Almond farmer

  5. Your question is refreshing.  Farmers feed the world.  They know it, even if most people today don't appreciate it.  They have a pride in themselves and in the farming community.  That's what is important to them.  They don't need to be thanked every day but it is nice to know someone appreciates them.  Mike said he grew tried of people thanking him for serving and patting him on the back, etc.  I can understand that as well, but think how the people of my age felt when they came home from Viet Nam and people spat on them and they couldn't get a ride hitch-hiking in uniform.  This is almost the position of the farmer today.  They are considered by most people as the bad guys.  They are blamed for ruining the soil, polluting the water, cruelty to animals, Global warming and on and on.  Growing up on a farm, after generations of farmers on the land, I learned about caring for animals  (on the farm and wild ones) and caring for the land so that we can pass it to the next generation in better shape than when we got it.  Farmers generally know more about caring for the land, animals,  wildlife, and conservation than PETA and Greenpeace put together.  I am proud of growing up on a farm and of my father and grandfather.  And Abbula, I don't know were you are from but in the USA I would guess that at least 95% of the farmers today have a high school education, and probably 50% a university education.  Almost all know about and use professional services available to them like the University Extension Service.  I guess that I've tooted my horn long enough.   Thanks for asking the question.  Everyone  likes to be appreciated a little bit.

  6. To my knowledge I think farmers would not know that some people think of them a lot.  I think the stress from farming get to their head and they think no one appreciates their work.  I am not really a farmer but this is my hypothesis to what a farmer may think towards that topic.

  7. I have nothing to add other than to say that farmers are awesome.

  8. Yes, we know, but unfortunately 2 many are going out of business b/c they are getting old and their children don't want to get into farming because it is hard to make a good living. plus, it matters more that you search out good food that supports the small farmers and you care about the product itself. we have cows and chickens and many people have helped us over the years by seeking out a good product. it really matters who you get your food from. the small farms need more support so they aren't wiped off the planet.

  9. Most of them are too worried about the lack of profits to think about much else.

  10. I think most farmers are more concerned about making a living working seven days a week in a financially-risky business where you work hard for a year and then a single bad storm can wipe out your profit for the year. I am sure they would be very glad for your best wishes and your admiration of them but that doesn't help them make any money. And money is what they need to keep their farms, their way of life, and their families going.

  11. We all appreciate good will in what we do, and personally I try to provide a real nice product in what ever I endeavor. As when I took time off to go to Iraq a few years ago. I got tired of it the first day home after the first few "Thank you's". People don't need to get weird. We all do what we do, but I personally don't want to be bothered with people telling me how proud they are of me and they thought of me and what can they do for me. You can appreciate my product by buying it. It is worth it. Silent well wishing is enough as I can attest to for all of those I know, in the Ag industry and in the military. I brought that up only because the question smacks too much of the whole thing I went threw. It sounds like your wishes are meant for just one, and if so, don't be surprised if they feel this way also. We don't need pity, but it sure would be nice for me if after 3 years home someone actually decided that my getting hurt there and not being able to work at what I love now that I am home is worth a disability instead of me making excuses why I can't buy a gallon of milk today for my kids. And not meaning it personally at you, most people don't understand, some of us got too much self pride.

  12. Hmmm.. na .. mostly they don't...

    They are worried about their profit…

    They continue farming because they need to increase their income and other reason is they don’t know any other occupation for their income.

  13. it depends on the location of the farmers but in general they dont.

  14. Not really.

    And in some countries like mine, Argentina, we are seen as rich b******s by the ignorant people from the cities, even when not all of us are rich.

  15. I'm a farmer and I don't think people think much about them.  Dad said he used to think his job was to feed the world...but the world doesn't care enough to pay a good salary to the farmer.  So survival is our lone thought.  Cost of production continues to rise each year and the only chance at windfall profits is outstanding yield and outstanding price...which never happens.  I kinda wish this country would starve a little, maybe then a farmer would be truely appreciated and well paid.

  16. No, they don't know their importance. They are hard working people who are just trying their best to make a living-talking about individual farmers, not the big companies in the agro-industry.

    How to show appreciation to them? Just buy their produce. Go to a local famers' market, buy some produce and talk to them.

  17. I don't think so sometimes. We get made fun of more than we are appreciated. And people say that we are poor and that we handle snakes and stuff. And it just isn't so.

  18. i really wanna tell u that 95 ercent of farmers dont know about agri universities or departments, proffessionals like us not available for them, because we are such a busy persons spending our lot of times in making money in metro cyties, how shame. bussiness peoples who want make money using farmers sweat are much better then us. sorry to say that but its thrue.

  19. I'm a young person trying to get started in agriculture. My husband and I raise beef cows, goats and hay. It's a tough business to get started in because it costs a lot of money up front with little income (unless of course you inherit something). We do not worry so much about whether people appreciate us; we worry more about whether people appreciate the product and understand exactly where it came from. I did not decide to be a farmer because I thought it would be gratifying. In fact, I knew that many people would look down on me and consider me to be dirty, ignorant and uneducated. I do what I do because I couldn't imagine doing anything else. It is a passion and a love that comes from deep inside. It's incredibly hard to explain, because most people will never be so lucky as me to love their jobs so much and the distinction is, it's not a job it's my life. I never leave the office; I never have a weekend off and I wouldn't want it any other way. What keeps me going, when it's so hard to, is watching my toddler thrill in the animals all around here. It's knowing that she will grow up with this amazing life and she will have a satisfaction about life that comes from within. To me, it's not important what someone else thinks of me, positive or negative; it's more important what I think of myself.

  20. I doubt if they have time to worry about how much they are appreciated or not. They are just doing what their family has done for generations and praying that the subsidies are still in place come harvest time!

  21. Yes, it is becoming more important, because they feed more and more people.  I have provided you a link to check out.  They are trying to work with scientists in a race to save hungry people around the world with nutritional food by making new hybrid plants that will grow even in poor soil.  So that other nations can grow their own food and be self-reliant on themselves not others.  Much progress has been made to fight the war on hunger.

  22. I fear that most farmers believe that the majority of the world holds them in contempt.  Your sentiment is gratifying, and would be more appreciated if you could circulate it more widely.

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