
Do fast food gift cards expire?

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Do fast food gift cards expire?




  1. It varies, but usually if the card expires it will be printed on there somewhere.  You could try contacting the place and asking them.

  2. It depends on the gift card and the fast food chain you received it from. If there is no expiration date printed on it then no it does not expire.

  3. ha thts funny had no idea tht fast food places have gift cards

  4. Not in California.  A few years back, legislation changed and made it illegal for cards to lose their value over time as they used to start diminishing in value after one year.

  5. yes about 12 or 24 months (depending on the company) of non use it will either expire or you will start to lose money

  6. It's depend on with one you got some do and other don't

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