
Do fast-food/restaurant workers really spit in food?

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Need the cold hard truth, how many of you former or current fast-food/restaurant workers have spit in food?

And why?

I just don't want to be a victim, maybe I already have who knows. But, I'm curious to know.




  1. yeah if you make them mad

  2. ha. yea at times. i've worked at 4 different fast food restaurants. and we used to drop food on the floor. not on purpose. but we would still use it. or when fried food would get in the danger zone. (below 140degreesF) we would drop it back in the fryer!! its really kinda nasty. depending on who your manager is.

  3. go on, type in " Supersize Me'' go in the message boards, there's a thread like this, they tell all kinds of ff stories.

  4. I don't know but I'd never think about insulting someone who makes or gives you your food. People do like revenge.

  5. 2 Years at a godforsaken steakhouse......

    ive worked at a steakhouse for 2 years and the majority of us are the nicest, most comical drug lords you will ever meet.(not me but my co-workers.... the majority of the drugs that come into the city are strung through resturant chains and affiliates). We are all great people in a sense and im pretty sure none of us have ever spit in anyones food that didnt bring it upon themselves; not  to say they always deserved it but the majority of the instances always escalate to spit or mistreating of food in some way.

    heres my list of things that ive found will make a co worker mess with someones food or drink:

    1.Tipping under 15% or not tipping (Shwoos)

    2. Rude or passive

    3. Agressive women tward waitresses

    4. Flirtacious and obnoxious men

    5. purposley "running" the waiter (overwork)

    6. Being cheap and trying to trick prices because your cheap(Shwoos)

    7. Ignorance (self explanitory)

    8. sitting at a table for 5 hours when your not ordering 5 hours worth of food

    9.Splitting the check after commiting one of the "crimes"above to avoid the gratuity.....if you havent done any of the above also, dont worry your fine.

    Generally if you know your being an *** or you did any of these somethings getting dropped or spit-in or  shoved-and-retrieved

    as far as just plain old seemingly blaitant bad service goes....Bad Service does not always mean you have a bad waiter they just dont think they will be getting a tip.......and tipping is serious buisness because the majority of us only make 2 or 3 dollars an hour and depend on tips.............

    and as far as the list goes though u may not do any of the things on the list be prepared because what type of person you are is often refrenced to guess  weither you will tip or not..(unfair,raicist,bias..... i know i know)......I have fallen victim to this being a teen even working in the resturant buisnees myself and recognize it easily every time and often times it will be a black person classifying a black or teen to a teen.... some other persons that may be ****waited unfairly*** are  teens blacks and young couples


    Shwoos = a person who Tips under 15% or doesnt  tip

    - a person who uses ignorant slangs and mannerisms

    - a person who comes to an expensive resturant and looks for the cheapest item first


    I hate to admit that there are biases like this floating around but i assure you that you will find them in every resturand and someone will have a new name for the group of people it describes every time...generally depending on how long the person has worked in the area...they will be able to classify every costomer that walks through the door weither it be accurate or not.... so if u hear yourself being called something youve never heard of used in a context describing someone you probably want to turn it around fast or you might not have the best experience.

    so..... in conclusion if you feel a waiter is not giving you good service its probably because they think you wont tip for one of the reasons above...and when that happens all you can do is prove them wrong and them grow

    .....and as far as spit goes if you dont tip and are sitting at the table after the bill is paid dont accept any offers for a refil because there full of something else ::smileyface::

    tip, tip, tip, tip, tip i always tip 15-60 bucks and believe when you go back to that resturant everyone will no u and you will never be mistreated

  6. One time when I was younger, I had to wait on this girl who just a month earlier was trying to steal my boyfriend...I spit in her mac and cheese. And I'd do it again if I had the chance, she was a bee-otch

  7. not alot of them but I have heard stories of that really happen.


  9. and this is why i don't go to fast food restaurants , because every one who said they did should consider whos behind the counter when you go in and what you might have done to them

    think about it

  10. Yes!  I worked at a pizza place while going to college.  I remember a girl that worked with me took a call.  The caller wanted to order a pizza, but was so rude to her over the phone.  So she prepared the pizza and before she stuck it in the oven she hacked a big lugie on it.  

    Always be nice to the people who prepare your food.  I certainly do!

  11. I dont care as long as its nicely presented, tasty and i dont knw wat all is going out kitchen!

    Cheers & enjoy ur food

  12. They shouldn't be able to, with all those cameras around.

  13. I have heard some really, really gross things.  if your food is wrong, go back and be polite. don't be rude. That is the best advise i can give.

  14. Yes!

  15. Um, this is really nasty, but where I live, a man got arrested at McDonald's for putting his genitals on the burgers.

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