
Do fat people get offended when they're called fat people?

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I'm wondering if they find that word demeaning in any way. Most slim people don't mind being defined as slim people... but do truly fat people hate being called that?

Would they prefer to be called something else?




  1. FAT. I have more sympathy for midgets and retarded people because they were born midgets or retarded people, and they didn't have a say in the matter. Don't you think if you gave someone a choice not to be a midget they would probably not choose to be a midget. If you were born fat, and you have always been a fatty, you are excused. But anyone who became fat as a result of eating too much and sitting on their fat a*s all day feeling sorry for their fat self is worthy of being called FAT. If this is you get off your FAT a*s and stop being FAT. And stop wondering how people could be so cruel and call people fat. If you are fat, the first physical trait and the easiest that someone is going describe you as is FAT. Not "The girl with the blonde hair." but rather REALITY ----"The fat b***h over there." For all you chair crushin fatties who sweat when you eat, GET OFF YOUR LARD a*s AND DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Obviously your current plan of remaining fat and spewing fat aggression towards physically fit people is not working. F-A-T. (Fucking Asshole That-eats-too-much)

  2. Guest9797 I sense that you are a fat f**k and you are very angry at this.

  3.  Listen....if you're fat, you're fat, deal with it. You're not heavy; dinosaurs and buildings are heavy. B-52s are heavy. You're FAT F-A-T FAT. What pisses me off is when fat people take it upon themselves to call skinny folk (like me) skinny, but yet the first time the word fat comes out of someone's mouth, all the fat people get up in arms. Kind of a double standard, I'd say.

    Like I said, if you're fat, you're fat. PLEASE don't call it what it's not, it sounds retarded. It seems to me that if you're one of those fat f***s who's like 5'3" and 375 lbs you'd want to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. And yes, I understand if you have medical condition or what the f**k ever that makes you fat, but if you're some Large Marge or Huge Harold who sits on their gigantical a*s doing nothing but eating everything in sight, you DO deserve to be made fun of. 

    Feel free to disagree, of course.

  4. First of all, Guest9797 you are probably fat, and angry because of it. You can't go around breaking everyone's teeth and nose because they called you what you are, fat. Everyone has flaws and disabilities, rise above it and get over it. No one likes an angry fat person. If you are fat and you don't like it do something about it.

    As far as all of the bullshit alternatives to using the word FAT, i.e. Circumferencely superior, Ostensibly thyroidally dysfunctional, Willpower challenged, Innately equipped with gastric air-bag, Exercise avoidant, Famine resistant. You are obviously cant face what you are, which is fat. Embrace it. But nobody cares if it hurts your feelings when someone calls you fat. If it didn't bother you you wouldn't care so much to cover up the word fat with "circumferencely superior", etc. That is like a janitor being offended that someone called him a janitor, and not a "sanitations engineer." Bullshit your a f****n janitor, if you don't like it, GET ANOTHER JOB. If you are sick of being unhealthy and fat, stop living the fat and unhealthy lifestyle. CUt back on the ice creams and ding dongs for a while, maybe get some exercise instead of feeling sorry for yourself and eating just to keep the "fat" virus at bay.

    I used to be fat. I was a fat slob in fact and loathed myself. I realized I was doing it to myself, feeling like s**t cause everyone stares at me or calls me fat all day, and then eating pizzas and ice creams until I felt bloated to make myself feel better. I didn't excercise, only to lift the remote or walk to the bathroom. I changed that and now I eat healthy, small portions, and I excercise everyday. I have struggled for four years to turn my life around. So stop feeling sorry for yourselves and quit your bitchin you fat f***s.

    Nobody likes to exercise, it sucks, but if you dont do it you will be fat. Two options: Suck it up and exercise or be fat. Nobody gives a s**t that you are fat. "Willpower Challenged". How about just "f*****g Weak" and fat. Willpower is always challenged and tested everyday, from cigarrettes to S****y foods, and alcohol. I know many recovered alcoholics, and I know many that died because they wouldn't give up drinking. If you are fat and don't want to change your ways you will probably die fat and miserable. If eating McDonalds and not exercising is your addiction, you can find your fatasses anonymous somewhere or maybe within you. America has the most fat people in the world per capita, you are just another priveledged American that is fat as a result of our abundant resources. Quit your bitching and change your life.

    And sorry to the fat asses that are fat due to medications or medical problems, you can't help it that you are fat.

  5. I hate being called fat! Its labelling and discrimination! People are people!

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