
Do fats food places in california have to give you water?

by  |  earlier

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I was recently at a carls jr. in San diego California and ordered a hamburger. I then asked for a glass of water and was denied it. a lady then told me the at it was against the law to not give me water. is she right? if so how?

it would be greatly appreciated

thank you




  1. If you ask for a glass of water they have to give it to free of charge. I have done it before and even at Carl's Jr. The one you went to maybe just didnt feel like dealing with it. Which is still wrong and they should have given you the water

  2. Well i don't think it's against the law to drink or sell water cause if that's true then it sure is dumb. And also i think that fast food workers are trained to like say would u like soda because i think that soda costs money and that soda is more tastier and then they want you to come back more and stuff.

  3. Love the freudian slip in yr title... i dont think they have to give you free water, but they have to have it on the menu. whenever ive gone out for fast food, they usually give it to me for free tho.

  4. sadly, no.

  5. Hmmm, interesting.

    I don't know what the law is on that issue, but when I went to Jack In The Box today, I got some water with my side salad. (It was soooo nasty!) Yukkhhh! Trashhhh!

  6. Not sure, but also not sure if I would even want to drink the tap water from California.

  7. u should pay for the bottled water and get your own water from there .. the fast food chains are not dining restaurant there's no such thing as tips for the servers.. i dont know if or not its against the law but im sure they can deny it commonly.. it's just extremely unusual that you ask them to give you a GLASS of a water.. people eating at fast food restaurant don't even share the cups or forks.. all they are just disposable supplies.. so dont get mad and what u could do in that situation was either to purchase the bottled water or ask for a cup of water as the way they serve the fountain drinks

  8. Step 1: EMAIL coporate

    Step 2: get fat on hamburgers from all the gift certificates you get

    Step 3: ????

    Step 4: profit.

  9. I thought it was the law that they have to provide you with tap water if you request it.

    I'd email the company about your experience.

    What I think is strange is that some businesses will sell you a drink, but then bladder relief is for employees only. I'm not saying that about Carls Jr, though I avoid them because of their politics, who they support financially.

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