
Do felines have enough self awareness to KNOW that they are utterly adorable and CUTE?

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{You know how when your looking at him/her, speaking to them in a soft cutsie type voice ~just like you would to a toddler?--and then suddenly after staring at you for awhile your cat turns over, meows continuously giving you eye contact?

[it is as if they KNOW they are soooooooooo SOOOOOOOOooooooOOOOOOOoooo CUTE xD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]




  1. yes and they take that and they can even get away with murder if they wanted to you can not stay mad at their cute faces

  2. Cats are like people, in that regard....well, kind of. Cats are arrogant them, but they are! And they know they're cute. Direct eye contact from them can say "Come on, I know you think I'm cute. Come pet me."

    However, other cats will think they're ugly. My cat obsesses over her weight, and gets annoyed when she thinks cats are skinnier than her. And she likes being "the prettiest cat in the world". So if there's another cat around, we have to pretend it's really ugly (even though I think all cats are pretty).

    So yeah. They have more self-awareness than we would probably like, lol.

  3. Yes, they are actually quite vain I think. Mine "poses" a lot when I speak to him, almost like he is flirting......

  4. OMGosh my cat does this all the time...he has to know he makes me melt lol. he meows so soft when he acts like that too....he definately knows it!!

  5. I think they do. Because whenever I talk to my kitty saying how adorable she is she rolls over meowing. and purring!

  6. YES, and they use it to their advantage.

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