
Do female beta fish fight like males do?

by  |  earlier

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I'm thinking of getting two girls and putting them in the same tank, but I don't know if they fight or not.




  1. there beta fish!!!!! of course they will fight friend two beta fish and they didn't fight for some reason

    so it depends

  2. They honestly shouldn't, the females are way less aggressive than the males, but it is possible, so it's really up to you if you want to take the risk, although I would either get just one, or if you want numerous bettas, get three females because if there are only two, the stronger one might kill the weaker one, but if there are three, then the strongest one won't just have ONE to pick on, so it will be spread out, and I heard the pecking ritual thing is real interesting to watch... it's where they barge and peck etc. to show each other who's the boss... really cool... I am going to get 3 females later when I get my tank... LoL...

  3. no they do not.  i have 1 male with 4 females and they all get along perfectly.  it's just the males that are territorial.  

    if your gonna get more then one female be prepared for some pecking and small attacks on some of the other females tho until they define who  the dominate female is.  


  4. I have 7 in one of my 55`s and none of them fight,they will form a pecking order but it won`t get serious ..

  5. Females will fight with a single male betta if they aren't inerested in spawning, however you can have 4 or more females together, they will form a pecking order.

  6. minimum of 5 females together in 10+ gallon tank is advised..yes they will fight...with 5 females they set a good hierarchy and that way you avoid any deaths...

  7. Female bettas can live together but female bettas can't live with males unless you want them to breed. Male bettas have to live alone they can't live with any fish.

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