
Do female gymnasts (generally) wear anything under their uniform?

by Guest60358  |  earlier

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I know it sounds perverted, but I don't mean it like that. It's just something I always genuinely wondered. I'm referencing the type of uniform the American gymnasts wear.




  1. usually not....there's kinda built-in underwear. but they don't wear any underwear besides. i'm not sure if they wear a bra or not.  

  2. they wear body suits underneath

    like a swimming costume, but different material.

  3. lolz,..........

    I dnt know but lolz agian,..........

  4. uum yea it is kind of perverted because...really why would you want to know...i really doubt you sat there and where "wondering what they wear"...(and Obv they do) ..god just watch p**n like the rest of us...silly rabbit

  5. I bet some of them are naked under their s**y leotards.

    Most gymnasts wear body liners to catch the sweat.

    They also wear panties and a bra.

  6. Not that I know of, but I know they have glue that keeps it from riding up and such.  I'm sure its lined inside to add comfort though.

  7. no... they are nude under there buddy!

  8. i do gymnastics and we (generally) wear body liners....its quite comfy actually.

  9. yeah they do im pretty sure anyway  

  10. I do believe that there is 'underware' built into the gym suits.

  11. Either a body liner or bra/panties. Mostly the underwear is built in and they wear a bra. If you look at their backs you can see bra straps. I don't think it's perverted, you were just curious.

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