
Do female hamsters fight i kno males do but what about females?

by Guest57682  |  earlier

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Do female hamsters fight i kno males do but what about females?




  1. yes. Actually female hamsters fight more than males. So the answer is yes they do fight because they are more active than males.

  2. i have owned hamsters for 15years and never been able to have 2 in the same cage as they fight even russien dwarfs which i was todl they will live hapily toghether as there differet=nt to syrians ect  but no they fought and i was forced to buy a new cage oh and all these that i tryed to have together were from the same litter as recommended by all top breeders ect

  3. yes, females fight also. not to death usually but they will fight

  4. Yes, They are most likely fighting over dominance and their space. It would be best to separate them before things get a little messy.... This has happened to my friends hamsters.

  5. i hve a male and it dnt fight but  yes females do.. they are protective over there space...

  6. Are you talking about traditional Syrian hamsters?

    If you are then yes, they definately fight. All Syrians are solitary animals and over about 8 weeks of age will fight badly. Anyone who has ever had 2 that have been ok together has just been VERY lucky.

    Russian and Chinese hamsters are not solitary and are quite often fine together but this does depend on the individual temperaments.

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