
Do female humans get bored more then male humans or do they just say they are bored more?

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Could this be an intentional or subconscious invititation to the male from the female? Perhaps to show she is available for male attention. Should the male approach the female when she says "I'm bored?" Is this something the human male was once biologically programed to understand? But due to being civilized by social conditioning doesn't. For instance if a female chimpanzee showed boredom in the presence of a male chimp. Would she be intimating that she is"ready" and seeking male attention. Would the male chimp automatically respond by going up to her?




  1. usually , when a woman says she is bored, it is not a sexual invitation. It usually means she wants to go shopping, probably for purses or shoes. If you can distract your woman from spending $$$$$$ by offering s*x go right ahead

  2. Actually,i hear more males whining than females.

  3. Females are show off bored -- ladies night out -- they look real good when they show up at the bar.    They also look good when the heals of the shoes are  hitting the ceiling from  the back seat of my Chevy.  

    They will go home and go to sleep and give the husbnd the old headache excuse.

    But, next week is ladies nite all over again.

  4. Studies indicate that the length of the female human vocal cords are up to 7 times that of male humans, which is a contributing reason that female humans talk approximately 7 times more...Whether it's about boredom, or anything else, they just talk about whatever subject, MORE!

  5. The male chimp automaticly responds to her anyway which means she's never has time to get bored. We humans no longer get bored because we have Y!A.

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