
Do female perverts exist?

by  |  earlier

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On Dateline, you get people from all backgrounds, white, Hispanic, black, Asian, g*y, straight - except one big demographic that makes up more or less 50% of the population -


I think this is more the nature of the show, they don't really go after female perverts. This comes to the question, do they exist, and are any of them born that way, or only get that way due to male abuse?




  1. There is a case in Perth (I think or could be another state in Australia) just in the past day or so of a woman who received a three year jail sentence for down loading horrific child p**n.  Yes it does exist and occur  however, my experience after working in the criminal justice system for the past 16 years, is that it is an offence that is generally committed by men.  I'd suggest you google Catherine Birnie, Myra Hindley just to name a couple of serial murderers/"perverts".  

  2. yes, everywhere

  3. Yes, female perverts do exist.*x/ig/female_...

  4. Get serious.. They are rampant & they don't get that way from male abuse. And they aren't born that way either.. It's an issue that warrants much more attention as it continues on the increase..

  5. It depends what you mean by perverts, but here are some stats on s*x offenders:

    In the US:

    Twice as many men as women are convicted of unforced sexual abuse of a male child aged 0-11 years old.

    11 times more women than men are convicted of unforced sexual abuse of a male child aged 12-17 years old.

  6. It's all about interpretation.  

    A man who sleeps with a 14 year old girl is a pervert even if it's consensual and she approached him ( it happens even though some of you will try to pretend it doesn't ).

    A woman who sleeps with a 14 year old boy is Mrs. Robinson.

    Next question is this:

    Is this sexist against the man because he's labelled a pervert?


    Is this sexist against the young woman because it suggests that she's too weak and stupid to make a this decision while the young man is treated like a "stud"?

  7. Of course, in fact, more women than men commit child sexual/physical abuse.

    It is typically treated quite lightly, at least when it comes to adult women having sexual relationships with children.

    My little brother's high school has a teacher who had an affair with a 15 year old student, and she still works as a teacher.

  8. Yes. Have you heard of Mary Kay Letourneau & Debra Lafave?

  9. yes! did you see the movie Antwon Fisher with Denzel Washington, there was a female character in the movie that preyed on children.  

  10. yes. i've been called one many times. because i love women. and there is nothing wrong with that.  

  11. Of course they do, but I think they are much lower incidence than male ones. I think it has to do with the basic way women are wired different from men. The differences are good, but in our sinful world they can lead to bad things as well. God gives us free will to "pick our poison" - our preferred way of sinning. Some people steal, others lie, and sadly some men are perverts. But sin is sin, and each one of us has it in his heart.

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