
Do female radio announcers lisp or it just a style they use?

by Guest63213  |  earlier

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Do female radio announcers lisp or it just a style they use?




  1. Ive noticed that also, i dont, but i sound like a  12 year old boy anyway, haha.

    Also, you have to take into account that the mics pick up treble and hiss like no other, so it just sounds really pronounced on higher pitched voices.

  2. No they don't - the reason is more than likely

    (a) incorrect mic use

    (b) lacking of breathing control - radio announcing (done properly) requires a skill set the includes the same type of breathing techniques as singers and actors so you do NOT sound weird)

    (c) lack of training in the techniques of the performance art of radio

    (d) poor program direction - a PD should pick it up and advise the lady DJ how to improve

    (e) poor mics - going for the cheap brand by the station

    (f) no mic cover - many stations have done away with them in the last few years because they can be expensive and the announcers often loose or damage them

    (g) if you speak from the front of your mouth, near your lips you will get the same problem - that is do not hold your voice in the back of your throat - it is call sib-u-lence; I just cannot spell it.

    (h) your radio may have the station just very slightly off the correct spot - depends on the style of radio you are using.

  3. that's just a 'sound' (more than a 'style') that most of them have for some reason...

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