
Do females usually have more of an 'attitude' than guys

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Do females usually have more of an 'attitude' than guys




  1. It's difficult for me to tell - pretty much everyone i know of has uncontrollable attitude problems, even myself to a certain extent.

    But yes, there are some individuals whom do nothing but shout, drink and pervert their ways through life, and such individuals, if anyone, are long overdue for a lesson in subtlety and civilized behaviour.

  2. They both have a attitude problems, but it differs between the sexes. Men's attitude is based around work, how much money they earn and the looks of the girl friend. Females on the other hand suffer from "what do other people think".  Am I good enough. Not knowing when good is good enough. Thus, both sexes walk around with a chip on their shoulders for entirely different reasons.


  3. women on a posative note because we can express ourself's much more freely than men.

    men have inflexable personalities which causes them to have a term called "Tunnel vision".


    Men focus on work, friends,social,

    women focus on work work ,social,friends,family,kids,housework,me... with the schools, doctors.

    we are the ones who guide them yet they throw it back at us as if they knew it all along.

  4. yeah. coz women tend to have more anxiety, so a little imperfection is like the end of the world or something. men tend to have less anxiety that makes higher skills in overcoming any circumstances that comes ahead that most of them don't need those perfectionista to make things happen. especially todays where women have been working out while not neglecting their female originated profession which is houseworks, so it require most women to have attitude in order to handle them. yeah men todays are getting more slacker that it could be seen obviously through the high rate of absenteeism in lecture period.  

  5. A complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways.

    Basically females are fearsome due to their fragile physical structure and the same reflects of the mind.

  6. no

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