
Do feminist's always put people down that they dont' agree with?

by  |  earlier

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Why are they such sour p*ssess? The hardcore feminist's on this site have been trying to find ways to make me look stupid, claiming they can't understand my question, then dissing me harshly. Stop being catty and answer!




  1. You're not very good with apostrophes.

    EDIT: Try 3 apostrophes.  Feminists is plural, not possessive.   "Pussess" is not a word either.    You wonder why people claim that they can't understand your questions, but you really need the grammar lesson before you continue asking asinine questions on this board- otherwise you just look like a fool.  I'm not being catty, just trying to help you not make an @ss of yourself. (PS- I don't give lesions either- I have nothing contagious, but I do give lessons!)

  2. You make your questions impossible to understand, then you make the most baseless and insulting attacks possible. How do you expect people to respond to that?

  3. You really can't put down a drug addict.

  4. I think it's because you are putting 'feminists' and not 'some' feminists, because it's implying they are all the same. I know with every group you get extremists but there are normal feminists.

    EDIT: I disagree with the belief thing. If you believed in women's lib and worked for example in a different country where women are still treated badly then you could call yourself a feminist.

    It's like with christians for example, or any religion. They all call themselves that title yet they don't all believe the same things. Some oppose g*y marriage, some don't. Some take the bible word for word, others don't.

    Hey why the thumbs down? I'm not dissing anybody!

  5. Because that's all they have.

    They can't argue fact or logic, so cheap-shotting is all they have left.

    Feminism is a hypocritical house of cards that falls down when people place it under any real scrutiny.

    Fighting anti-female sexism with anti-male sexism is indefensible.

  6. Why do you come on here and make statements that put others down, are filled with inaccuracies, and hard to follow?    I really don't know of any hard core feminists on this site.

  7. Not every time, but it's not always possible to find the energy to teach the mosquito that that they don't have to be such a pest. Sometimes it's just more fun to reach out and swat.

    Of course, people who ask sincere questions tend to get more considered answers ...

    But people who say "everyone I don't like or agree with is xyz" don't need anyone else to "find ways" to make them look stupid.

    Cheers :-)

  8. Because the truth hurts, Nikki..

  9. Yes... and not just the feminists.

    Ignore it. Read the answers to your questions and just skip the ones that are angry. You are just setting yourself up for more attacks by responding.

  10. I agree with you completely.  I wanted to ask this same question.  I have gone through exactly the same kind of treatment you have described in your question.  I dont know whether it is the chareceristic of a feminist.  But all of them who did this to me were self proclaimed feminists.

  11. they are hypocrites and denialists. they will attack you for not putting your question together to their standards and be unavailable to comment when you do.

  12. Because name calling and reporting people to Yahoo Answers is easier than having a meaningful dialougue with someone who just happens to disagree with you.  Many people don't realize how much knowledge can be found from someone you don't agree with.

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