
Do feminists agree that men are stronger than women?

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Do feminists agree that men are stronger than women?




  1. Men have a better ability to develop muscles if that's what you mean. But there are women who are physically stronger then men.

  2. yes i think so

  3. I'll be blunt and tell you exactly what I think; expect a whole barrage of thumbs down; neverminding that here goes.  No woman should ever deem herself as strong as a man, speaking mentally here, till she gets it through her full head that she is and has always been a human-being; some around here are lacking in that department; mostly your feminists have this problem.  A persuasion I do not belong to. How they go through life with this hounding them I will never know.

  4. Physically? Typically, yes.

  5. Stronger - in what way?

    Physically - yes usually.

  6. Physically yes, in general. Although I do know a lot of very physically weak men.

    But there's no denying proven facts.. Men are generally ohysically stronger.

    I kind of like that though, I'm usually a lot mentally stronger than men so it's nice for them to be physically stronger.. kind of balances it out.

  7. It depends on what you mean by strength. Generally speaking, when it comes to upper body strength, then yes. Of course some women are really, really strong in muscle too. When it comes to emotions though I think it depends more upon the life experiences of the person rather than their gender imho.

  8. I think so because it is a fact that they have stronger upper bodies.

  9. All they are going to say is we are only stronger physically and they are stronger mentally.

    They are not.  They cry.  We dont.

  10. Ask a woman in Spain working in a coal mine, or one on a buliding site in Lithaunia...and a man using a laptop in New York, or a guy sat behing a check out in Walmart! Who is stronger? Ask a woman in Africa who has walked 10 miles with 20litres of water on her head, or a woman in India who has picked tea for 16 hours!

    Generally, physically, depends who, where and what you are!

    So, if inequality only depended on physical strength women would have invented the handgun first to equal it all up!

  11. The average man is physically stronger than the average woman... but I know several guys I could beat in a fight.

  12. u can compare the strength between 2 men but not between a man and a woman...

  13. As far as physical strength goes, men will be stronger due to genetics and in part evolution. Puberty assists in this too as it's part of what males go through, their muscles get bigger. This isn't to say that women can't be as physically strong as guys, but from what I understand it could affect their periods if they get too muscley.

    Plus guys don't like muscley women, and women like muscley men; which may be another thing of evolution - nature/nurture debate to be more specfic.

    Hope this helps to answer your question!

  14. Physically speaking, men generally have greater muscle mass and greater upper body strength.

    Women tend to have greater endurance and better balance due to their lower center of gravity.

  15. I think they would, unless you kick men where it hurts.

    Some women are stronger than men, but not all of them.

  16. I think scientists do as well.  I think you would have to be a moron to disagree...of course there are exceptions, but in general men are physically stronger than women.

    Alert the presses!!!

  17. On average, men are physically stronger, yep.

  18. In physical upper-body strength, as a general rule, yes.

  19. do u mean stronger in being able to hit.... hurt... an batter us???  yeah... for sure!!!  thats y women need shelters an laws protecting us from abusing men....

  20. yes

    wanting equality doesnt mean one has to lie or distort

  21. The question is vague..So a vague answer would be "perhaps".

  22. In most mammal species, the male gender is physically stronger then the female. Keyword "MOST."

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