
Do feminists believe they are superior to men?

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Whatever happened to equality?




  1. Believe?

    They KNOW  that they are Superior to Men - - -

    (and yes that equates to equality - - - as long as Men know their place in the scheme of things there is equality)


    PS  a final weird 'science' answer - - - -women can always perpetuate the human race with s^men stored in a freezer thus far men cannot bear children so women are clearly superior - - - - all men can do is look at the white gunk clinging to their hand and maybe eat it!!!

  2. Probably. Afterall, they do believe in the power of femininity.

  3. Typical male question.....All they want is equallity. Still in this day and age some men are still treating women unequally. For example.... I've been at my job for 10 years, I know it inside and out and could do it blind folded. A higher position opened up that everyone said I would be great at, but the asst: manager decided to give the position to guy that applied through a temp service and had no idea what our company was about. He was there for 2 months and got fired for sleeping on the job, so I thought I'm next in line for that job.." NOPE" he hired another male temp. I'm not blaming the temp, I know it's the asst: manager. He has been keeping me and the other girls down while all the men move up. And most of the men have been there only a couple years compared to my 10. What am I to think? I can't afford to leave right now but I can't afford not to either, so I'm stuck because of his Male chauvinism.

  4. No they dont think they are superior to men they think they are superior to god

  5. Not all feminists believe this. However, there are different types of feminism. Radical feminists tend to be more pushy and may think they are superior. Most feminists are fighting for women to be equal to men; not better.

  6. Yes. They already have equality. They want equal outcome without responsibility.

  7. Some do, not all. Some men think they are superior to women, but not all.

  8. NO, for God's sake! If we were serious about wanting to be superior to men, you wouldn't have to ask.

  9. Mainstream feminism fights to secure legal protections for women's unalienable rights which men withheld in a delusion of superiority.  

    When women tried three or four times to get a U.S. constitutional amendment (Equal Rights Amendment) that would ban sexual discrimination against men or women, men fought it down because they did not want sexual discriminations protections for women, only protections for themselves.  Now they whine that the male-dominated court system discriminates against them.  lol.  And, now that women are allowed to vote and drive and enter all fields of education and research which men had locked them out of until 1973, women have clout because they, in just a few generations without oppression have risen and are proving to be too difficult for men to "compete" with academically and even in number of business start-up's without all the unfair advantages they once enjoyed within their male entitlement paradigm.  

    The main reason weak men are afraid that self-determining women think they are "superior" is because women aren't as stupid and weak as men deluded themselves into believing and such men are too confused or lazy to rise themselves without someone's back to stand on, to exploit or oppress or hold down.  Weak men are not wailing because they think WOMEN think they are superior but because, in their narrow-little male Master / Slave paradigm, the Hystericals worry that women may BE "superior" and may dominate them as they dominated women, poor dears, seriously.  But, all that superior / inferior or Master / Slave stuff that plagues the more backward guys is what humanism and feminism strives to end.  

    Men screeched loud and viciously at women as they entered educational and economic equal opportunity and said, "If you want to be in a MAN'S world, baby, then you're going to be treated like a man", and many women were forced to learn and use for basic survival the same power "tactics" as men used against them.  Works for men.  Why shouldn't it work for women, too?  I mean, if a man rises in a company, he's considered a "player", a "winner".  But, if a woman rises in a company, weak fearful men accuse her of sleeping her way up the corporate ladder or that she thinks she's "superior" or some other "chivalrous" knee-jerk spineless dishonorable whine.  If it's a man's world, let's do in Rome as the Romans do, I say.  lmao.

  10. They believe they are superior to everyone that is not a feminist.  It's just that they hate men.

  11. Men are slowly learning that feminists never wanted equality. Feminists wave the banner with the word "equality" on it, but want no such thing.

  12. I agree it seems like feminists think that they are above us.  When there is a divorice, who gets the kids, the house, the money,  THE WIFE

  13. No but it's a popular myth that anti-feminists like to spread-that supposedly feminists believe women are superior to men. That's obviously untrue-we're not stupid-so why do people keep promoting such an illogical claim?

    Of course men and women have different physical and intellectual and emotional abilities-and it would be a very difficult and subjective task to assign worth to such a diverse range of skills. I'm a feminist and I believe both men and women should have as equal an opportunity there can be to strive to be the best. But it won't be easy as there have been so many inequities between the genders in the past and it will affect the  future for a long time to come.

  14. NO!!!!   Feminists believe in equality between the sexes.  Do not believe the Anti-feminist posters here.  They are trying to disseminate false information in an effort to turn people against the feminist cause.  They sight sources, but if you check, they are sighting anti-feminists Internet sites, as if they were unbiased news sites.   Although there may be individual feminists who believe they are better than men - and that is their opinion, it is NOT the opinion of the group.

    For example.  The KKK believes in white supremecy.  That does not mean that all white people are racists.

  15. Nope. I don't think I am superior to anyone. Maybe a little smarter than some... :P

    I am an equal-rights kinda gal.

  16. Equality to women is like cutting up and dishing out pieces of a cake; they want equal pieces as long as theirs is bigger.

  17. Not men in general.  Just the "men" here.

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