
Do feminists cluck to themselves and laugh sardonically when they ponder Charles Manson's name?

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Man +Son. With a thoroughly male name like that, do you smugly think "how appropriate" or "typical man"?




  1. No but I do chuckle over names like d**k Masterson.

    No one in Australia at least would get away with a name like that without being payed out on every day.

  2. Well, now that you mention it, it is a bit unimaginative.

    He certainly isn't a 'typical' man.  *Shudders*

  3. Someone should marry him and make him take the brides name!

    Please...have bigger problems to worry about.

    umm no never thought of it like that.  Manson...while an interesting case, doesn't equal typical man at all.  BTW did you know he is still alive, CA stopped the death penalty right before he came up.

  4. I expect that you cluck to yourself and laugh sardonically when you write such stupid questions.

  5. It would be funnier if his name was Benny Hill because that guy is the most un-funny person I've ever watched.

  6. How about Armstrong, as in Neil Armstrong.

    Man didn't let women go to the moon because men are bad.

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