
Do feminists really feel the need to protest just about anything at all?

by Guest33213  |  earlier

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seems like they always feel they have to defend themselves from injustices that only exist in their heads.




  1. OMG that's stupid.  First video chicks are too s**y now they're too fat...........

  2. You would think they would be more offended by a character getting shot in the head in a game rather than one just eating cake.

  3. Agreed. True feminism is misunderstood and misapplied. It's become a weapon, not a tool.

  4. They are sad I hope it scares little girls to adopt a good eating habits. So then they can get a boyfriend an not become fems.

  5. Yeah I know what you mean. They are so vicious that it seems sometimes they're turning sexist on men!

  6. To answer your question - Yes, they need to protest just about ANYTHING that moves.

    Eg : 'Men At Work' signs disappearing in Atlanta.

  7. I am a woman myself, but I can never understand how these feminists' mind work. to fight for equality is alright, of course, as we all know, but these feminists are going too far. they're exaggerated! if a man tells me he's a feminist, I know for an instant that he doesn't know what he's talking about, or just want to get on the good side of women for whatever agenda he has in mind.

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