Heroin addicts don't start off hooked. They would not dream of leaping from a good life to ruin in one step; there are always lots of small steps. Likewise domestic violence laws have gone from
1/ Physical Violence (VAWA etc) to
2/ Verbal Violence.
Since 2006 Indian men can be jailed for insulting their wives, partners etc. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article614140.ece
A question poster earlier on G&WS about "eye-rape" (i.e. staring lustfully at a woman) made me wonder how far we are from considering this a crime of
3/ Body Language Violence. From here its a very small step to Orwell's concept of thoughtcrime:
4/ Thought Violence e.g. writing something online that can be interpreted as approving violence against women.
They say the road to h**l is paved with good intentions, and some feminists probably just want to end violence against women. Fair enough, but do you think feminism is in danger of moving us all to some very dark places without really knowing it?