
Do feminists still insist that the reason men STILL invent more than women is due to discrimination?

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Person with question, many great thinkers were not only not encouraged, but oftentimes persecuted for their genius. Yet they made it into history as great thinkers and inventors.




  1. The way I see the world is like so: Men and women are truly the same, we are all human beings and should not be sexist or discriminate over one another over gender issues. It is moronic, and immature. We are all the same. What drives your body to live is genderless, we only bear gender to multiply, it isn't meant to judge. We're all different. Some men are better than some other men or women, it only depends who you are and what personality you bear. Not what you are.

  2. Throughout history men have indulged in the delusion that they are smarter than women, this all the while women are surviving next to a more powerful, larger life form, namely, the average male.

    So for centuries women were treated, by men, as chattel property; we normally do not encourage chattel property to study the sciences or engineering.

    Women are most likely smarter than males. So, you may continue to indulge yourself in your fantasies, after all, your counter parts have done so for thousands of years.

    If you want a dose of reality (take care here because reality can be harmful for some) just visit the physics or math department at a leading university and see what you see.

    There is counseling for the deeply delusional person, your analyst may be female.

    Don't cha hate it when that happens?

  3. Discrimination in the past, yes.  And I would have to agree with them.

  4. I wasn’t goanna answer you, cause we don’t prove stuff!!! But we are so much better that you all at everything you’ll see the girls are goanna blast you on this

    We’ve invented tons of stuff, tons

    AND we are working on a lot now, too

    Don’t be getting at us we are just making the world better for you, if you will listen to the wise teaching of the feminist, and do as you’re told you will be fairer and happy.

  5. Your question cannot be answered in it's present form  It does not specify as whether you are quantifying women inventors aggregately or per-capita.  Aggregately there are or course fewer female inventors, since there are fewer female scientists and engineers.  If considered on a per-capita basis, I think you would find that the invention rate is similar.

    Conversely, I cannot comment on how feminists might rationalize this as discriminatory.  One need only do the math to get a good picture of why the numbers are different.  Fewer women pursue careers that espouse invention.  It's not discriminatory, it's math.

  6. Feminism you mean bitchism? I love Italian men!

  7. femenist are wrong,men invent then and now because we have the brains,it's not because of discrimination but we are smarter and they are just mad because men have invented more stuff than women.

    as for the woman who said that girls will blast guys


  8. It's a fact and not just something that feminists believe.  Women are not encouraged to enter technology or sciences fields and have very few role models.  The work load is extraordinary even for men and twice as hard for women with the pressure of raising families as well.  How can they invent when they are dropping out of science and technology careers due to societal pressure?

  9. Yeah ! And their brilliant argument is that women were "suppressed" enough to make them NOT think. Oh wait ! And then comes Madame Curie ! As of today, if they can just let go of their femministic ways, and agree that their success is because of their personality/brains rather than some decrepit historic movement/gang mentality, I m sure, there CAN be equal number of female inventors, if not more.

    Edit : "So a woman not encouraged does not think ?" - Yeah, and what encouragement do men get that women dont, that makes them choose such fields of study? Blaming "societal pressures" is like beating a dead horse. Victim mentality can get them sympathies/privileges - not fresh ideas.

  10. The urge to create is in everybody.  However, women alone have the greatest ability to create, they can create a human being from a cell.  

    Men must create through invention alone, in order to leave their mark on society.  They have yet to invent an improvement on the way a woman's body creates a human being.  At best, they imperfectly copy.

  11. Yes. Do you see any reason not to believe it, or do you just automatically write off anything a feminist says?

  12. Interesting point cassius.

    It depends if they believe they now have relatively equal opportunity to men to produce any outcomes they choose.

    If the answer is yes then there can be no discrimination if men are continuing to produce/invent more.

    However, if they do not believe we have relatively equal opportunity then they can say that is discriminatory since it clearly is.

    But to say that because they simply aren't producing as much and this is discrimination is just making a pathetic excuse for your shortcomings. But like I say lack of opportunity could be their argument

    edit: very true cassius. Take Galileo for a start

  13. it is due to social expectations.  it is not something women are encouraged to explore, whereas a man who is inclined toward it is encouraged from an early age.  SOCIETY is to blame for gender roles and gender equality!

  14. I am no feminist, but to answer you

    If you look at the car industry there have been significant inventions over the past decades attributed to women in the engineering fields, does that count……

  15. Have you really researched all new inventions?

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