
Do feminists support the War on Terror?

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Brainiac was one of Superman's enemies




  1. The "War on Terror" is something created by the U.S. government to control the populace. It is actually OUR government that is terrorizing us, keeping us docile by saying that if we don't go and kill people where they say we need to BAD THINGS will happen, oh my! Yes we have enemies...and if you look into it you might see why. These people use terrorist tactics, we use them back against them. Oh, wait, we may have used them against the wrong country by accident or something, but all those Muslims are the same, right? Right?

    If you'll excuse me, I need to head to my underground bunker now, duct tape everything in sight, put on my gas mask in case of anthrax attack, and turn on FOX News to keep myself updated of the latest threats. God Bless America.

  2. I hate that stinking war. It has nothing to do with my nonfeminist views, I just think....well, never mind what I think. LOL This ain't the place for a royal rant.

  3. Don't support war.

    Don't support terror.

    Don't believe a war on terror exists-it's a right-wing wet dream.

    Next inflammatory comment about feminists?

  4. not this feminist, but others do.

  5. It's a war against an idea and is totally unwinnable. That's because terrorists come in all shapes and sizes and can be at any place at any time. We have plenty of domestic terrorist groups. In fact, for those who claim that no act of terrorism has occurred on US soil since Sept. 11, let me mention that domestic terrorist groups like Earth Liberation Front have been able to carry out quite a few successful acts. Some of them include burning down a luxury housing development, severely damaging a ski resort, and setting fire to large SUVs at an auto dealership.

  6. There still can't be feminists about that oh so yesterday.

  7. i doubt it,

    lefties tend to live in their own little pretend utopia

  8. There is no war on terror it is a farce made up by the United States Government to gain more control of society and to complete the elitists goal of global domination by any means necessary. I am not a feminist by the way!

  9. My Cousin lost a hand due to a road side bomb.

    My other Cousin is on his 3rd tour of duty In Iraq.

    I HATE war. but I support our troops 100%

    I am a Christian first and a libereal second.

    I am NOT a feminist.

    I am an American who HATES war.

    Oh and for the record a few repbulicans HATE war also

  10. I support defeating terrorism; I don't support using more terrorism to do it.

  11. NO

    We don't support any wars

  12. I am a feminist and a veteran; I do not support the war.  I do support the troops.  I understand that Iraq was oppressed and I feel for them but I feel that they needed to ban together and fight for their freedoms just as we always have here in America.  If we fight for their freedoms then they will not have earned it and it will disappear once again.  I am not even convinced what we are bringing them is what they want as I have never seen any of them say thanks for our lost soldiers.  However this is not a war on terror as we have only distracted our self from the real enemy which is Osama bin Laden.  I just have one question in return for my answer; have you served?

  13. I didn't think ANYONE WITH A FUNCTIONING BRAIN supported the "War on Terror" - considering that one cannot make war against a psychological concept and the very phrase doesn't make grammatical or logical sense.

  14. They are content with their war against men.

  15. not as a group of people, on their own maybe

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