
Do feminists think that men should protect women?

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I am asking al kinds of feminists.

and do you think that men shouldn't buy things and pay for women?




  1. No feminists think that the sexes are equal.

    I think they should get them gifts on their birthdays and that kind of stuff, but not ultra expensive that's just dumb.

    No my finger nails are not polished.

    What kind of a question is this?

    By the way to CoolLuke

    I see you said

    "All stronger and bolder members of society should protect the weaker members of society."

    How about you take your head out of your but and I'll break your nose, break your arm in a couple places, and knock you out!

  2. Men think they should protect women, period.

    Only the insensible radical feminists want nothing to do with men.

  3. I think men should act in a way that doesn't harm women.  Sometimes that means protecting women.  I think women should (and do) protect men as well.

    I think buying and paying should be fairly even: men should pay sometimes and women should pay sometimes.

    And incidentally, my fingernails are natural.  But they're quite long and s**y.  Also,  I do color my toenails (currently dark pink).

  4. Most feminists think men and women should take care of each other, instead of it being completely one-sided.

  5. 1) Well, I don't want to *forbid* it, but men shouldn't be the default protectors.

    2) Why shouldn't they? Women can do the same thing for them.

    3) No, they're short, clean and polish free.

  6. I'm not at all a feminist, but I've come across a few in my day. I think there are a lot of mixed messages pertaining to weather or not feminists think men should protect them. It depends on if we're taking about 'equal' feminists or 'elite' feminists (sorry...I don't really know the right names). On one hand, a feminist could say, 'I should be treated equally as men are, because gender is insignificant.' In that case they wouldn't want men to protect them, because they believe they can take care of themselves. On the other hand, a feminist could say, 'I am a woman, and women are better than men. Therefore I should be protected by men.' Then they would want to be catered to.

    I for one love the idea of chivalry. Not all knights-of-the-round-table like it used to be, but just the common courtesy of men opening doors for women or paying for dinner occassional. That's really cute and romantic--really, men are so rude nowadays (women too, of course) that if a guy opens a door for me or something just nice like that I'm immediatley attracted to him. SometimesI wonder where all the good men have gone...perhaps the feminists disposed of them.  

  7. I think that a man CAN protect a woman if he's there, but I fully believe a woman should never RELY on a man to protect her.  The truth is, there is no knight in shining armor that's going to bust down the door at the right moment to save you.  Sometimes there is no one to save you and you can only depend on yourself.  For this reason, because a man is not always there and its not the movies where the girl always gets rescued, I believe a woman should always be able to protect herself.  Its this reliance that can hurt women more than it can help them.

    I think that if a man wants to get me presents, I'm fine with that.  But I also get him presents, so I don't see the problem with it.  I don't really agree with a man paying all the time-- I don't think its fair.  And I will never take drinks offered to me at bars for free.  I feel its wrong and taking advantage of a person and can't understand the mentality behind a person who will accept a free drink like this.

    My nails, at the moment, are not polished.  But they are still very nicely shaped.

  8. Protect against what? I'm not sure I follow your meaning.

    I don't need someone to protect me, but I want to feel secure in my relationship.

    I think the purchase of things and buying dinners should be discussed prior to the first date, or at least discussed so that the two in question know what the deal is.

    My fingernails aren't polished, but I just just buffed them.

  9. No, they believe that women should be independent and protect themselves.

  10. All stronger and bolder members of society should protect the weaker members of society. Yes, men protect women and women protect men.

    That is one of the foundations that society is based on. It should be a duty for everyone. I for example, would feel obligated to protect children or the elderly and those unable to protect themselves. The military (men and women), represents the mentally and physically stronger elements of society protecting the weaker

    It's part of the fun and romance to buy things for each other. The guy might spend more on dates in the beginning but if the woman earns as much or more then she should help out. These days the guys sometimes earn less and so they shouldn't have to pay for everything.

    I don't wear fingernail polish and I keep my nails trimmed.


    Mary_lovess_cats. Bring it on baby! Let's see what you've got. Write me and we can meet up some place. I 've said nothing wrong or unreasonable here. Go back and read what I've said!  You are all talk and no action. Talk is cheap.

    Edit: (2hrs later)

    I'm still waiting to hear from you Mary.

  11. protect us???  thats like the wolf garding the hen house.... lol...  we need to protect EACH OTHER from the men...

    yep... men shud pay an by us things... they got more mony than us...

    of corse my nails r polished...  my toenails to.... deep red to match my lipstik...

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