
Do feminists who are victims of rape/DV actually speak for all women?

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Sorry if this question offends actual victims.

Is it true that women who have suffered such crimes tend to see every man as a perpetrator of those types of crime?

If that's true isn't that unfair to the vast majority of innocent men?

Also, could this be the source of all the exaggerated statistics concerning DV and rape?




  1. 1.  No.  The lucky ones are able to speak for themselves. Others are not so lucky.

    2.  No, they don't.

    3.   Its not true.

    4.  The stats aren't exaggerated.

  2. How would you feel if you were raped? Thought so!

  3. I don't trust people in general. I don't discriminate if you are a man or a woman. I've grown up with male and female abusers.

    To be honest, I tend to get easily get closer to men b/c I never had a proper father figure and I think it's my sub-conscious way of hoping to get proper emotional gratification and security from a male.

    I don't know about others, but I don't mistrust or fear all men.

  4. Well there are plenty of victims of those thing who don't become feminists. Although I think some victims react by developing a fear and mistrust of men. It's unfair but remember how some people who are for example, bitten by a dog develop a fear of dogs? Well, it's the same principle and without proper counseling  and help, a woman who has been abused by a man or by several men might develop a similar attitude to the entire gender.

    Of course it's not fair or right, but it is a normal psychological reaction.

  5. I've never been through anything like that, but I'd imagine that to be so violated and hurt would have a terrible effect on the mind and would make them very scared and have issues with the opposite s*x.

  6. You are totally correct.

  7. I was raped and now I see all men differently. Mainly in a negative way. I know not all men are like that but it is hard to charge your mind when it happens, like you feel all men are like that. I never was the same person ever again. Personally I know this is mean but I thing if someone rapes somones else they should be jailed for life or killed, man or women doesn't matter. It just the way I feel now.

    I hope feminist are not just refering to women. Rape is rape I will feel the same way if a man got raped just like I would with a women. Not turn my head on him like people did to me.

  8. Having experienced DV I can say that I do not see every man as a perpetrator.  I do however recognize the signs way more quickly than most. Yes it is unfair to men that some people assume they're capable of violence just because they're men.

    As for the exaggerated statistics....there were many things in the past that went unsaid and unreported so although I'm aware of those awful women who cry rape falsely, I don't think that the statistics are that far off.

  9. I think the lies about rape and dv are more of a political tool.

    its organized crying rape/victim  also, if the truth about female violence came out, feminist theory would be completely debunked.

  10. i was sexually abused, but i definitely don't hate or blame all men, though sometimes i do get nervous around ones that remind me of the guy who did it.

    I think rio madeira is right, usually when victims view all men as perpetrators it's more of a psychological issue than a feminist one. it's not necessarily fair to innocent men, but after experiencing these traumas, the victims have a lot of difficult emotions to deal with. it may be part of a sort of psychological survival mechanism to be wary of all men.

    are stats about dv/rape really exaggerated? usually, women who are victims of such trauma don't just tell people about it- there is a lot of fear, pain, and shame involved. just because you don't hear about it all the time doesn't mean it doesn't happen. for years i thought i was the only one i knew who'd experienced any of these issues. in the last couple years i've found out that seven other women i'm close to have experienced sexual abuse, rape, or dv. it's way more common than i ever thought.

  11. 1. Certainly Not.....  2. Yes..... 3. Yes..... 4. Yes.

  12. Going through the listed horrors are terrible to even talk about. I, myself, have never gone through that, thankfully. But I could imagine enough of what it would be like to understand if you went a bit insane after it or over-reacted or such - because really it isn't overreacting.

    However, not all victims dedicate their lives to feminism. I actually do not care much for it. It's kind of stupid. But I am not a victim and maybe if I was then I would be able to open myself up to the idea?

    Get what I'm saying?

    No offense, to any of thaa readers of this xD

  13. Could you phrase that question a little more biased please? I don't think everyone quite gets the twist you're trying to put on reality here!

    Cheers :-)

  14. If some of these women think that, it's due to psychological trauma, not feminism.

  15. I have been a 'victim' of attempted rape and no, I do not see all men as rapists. But I think your question IS offensive just because a woman has the complete right to feel how she d**n well wants to after suffering such an attack. Exaggerated stats? Most women don't bother to report rape and domestic violence, for very good reason.

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