
Do feral pigeons lay all year round??

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There's a feral nest on the balcony, her egg hatched a couple of months ago now the baby's huge and nearly ready to leave. But i've discovered that she's now laid ANOTHER EGG!! I'm not going to shoot them or poisen them so don't bother if that's your answer. If they lay all year round I will have to do something though... eep. I'm gonna let this egg hatch though. That'll be a family of 4 on my 2 x 6 ft balcony, lmao.




  1. They will lay and rear young so long as the food supply and weather allow.  Depending on where you live, they may or may not produce more eggs over the winter.  

    As to a Family being there, I wouldn't worry about that too much.  By the time the kids are 8 weeks or so, the parents are pushing them off and they usually go and find the flock and follow them to food, etc.

    If you don't mind the birds visiting you on the balcony, what you could do is to sneak out one egg at a time soon after they lay them and hard boil them.  Pop them back into the nest when they've cooled.  the parents will sit the full 18 days, then a few more. They will them abandon the nest and begin a new cycle all over - toss the old eggs and do the same thing again with the next batch.  You can also only do one egg, etc. if you want.

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