
Do ferrets make any noise duringt the night or day? and do they bite?10 points?

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i was think of getting one




  1. i went to a petco before and saw the ferrets..i held one..played wit one..and they dont bite..not unless dey have a really good reason or sumthin..and they dont make noises..only if sumthin is wrong wit dem den dey make noises..other den dat..dey so playfull..(get one) =]]

    but dey do get to stink alot..

  2. Ferrets mostly make a "dooking" sound, that almost sounds like a giggle, when they're playing or happy. They also might hiss when they're playing. When they're frightened, upset, or very excited, they also "scream".

         Younger ferrets will nip during play- it's natural and how they behave with their siblings. You have to teach them not to play so roughly with you, but they grasp the concept quickly.

         Be aware that a ferret is not a rodent, and NOT a low-maintenance pet. They have very specialized food requirements, need at least four hours out of their cage per day, and can get into anything and everything, so extensive ferret proofing is nessacary. Before you get one, I would advise doing some research, joining a message board, and buying "ferrets for dummies" to see if you're really ready. This the message board I lurk on:

  3. All rodents(ferrets included) make noise during the night as well as the day.

    They bite until you socalize them fully.

  4. yes, ferrets make noise at night. they'll dig in the bedding, especially when bored, and depending on the cage you get it depends on how the scratching noises are.

    i only had one ferret that bite because it was mean, and it was how it as bred and i couldn't get it away from biting. my 2 girls, though, never bit unless they were playing and you knew it was play biting and i didn't mind that.

    ferrets also do better in pairs, like most animals. they can get costly, like a dog or cat, so also keep that in mind. vet bills are expensive because it's an exotic animal. i love ferrets though, but do a lot more research before buying some! it'll save you the hassle later =)

  5. no they do not make that much noise i had two and actually they never made a sound. mine never bit, but im not sure on all of them. the only problem with a ferret is if you dont keep there cage clean they stink, other than that they are a perfect pet.

  6. ferrets do bite, and once they bite, they dont let go!

    This website should help

    Hope this helps + good luck

    Love from,

    Rach x

  7. Ferrets are not rodents. Look into their care:

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