
Do fewer people want to have children these days?

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I know that the world's population continues to grow, but it seems like the people I know (Americans) and talk to either want only 1/2 kids or none at all. What do you think?




  1. because education and medical care is expensive!

  2. I think more and more people are waiting longer to have children. In the 70s women had children in their early 20s . Nowadays they have them in their mid/late 20s up to their late 30s. An importance has been placed on the career -finishing college, finding the right job, buying a house- for many, getting married. THEN children.  I think more people also want to enjoy their independence fully (do things on their own, travel) before they "settle down"

  3. Hmm I'm not sure.. all the people I know really want children. I would have 5 or 6 if i could! But that would be trouble! I most definitely want 3!

  4. I don't want any kids. I would like my tubes taken out as soon as I can get them out. My reason is because people say when you were abused by your parents you are likely to abuse your kids, I don't think I'd ever do that but I would never want to risk it and hurt someone the way I've been hurt. Also, there are so many things that can go wrong during pregnancy, the birthing, and with the child.  

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