
Do fins recover from finrot and/or clamp fins if caught early?

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yesterday i noticed my shubunkin started to develop finrot, only slightly, so i got straight to the petstore for some treatment. by the time i got back this afternoon i notice the fins look a lot more now like they're clamping. i've taken the necessary steps to treat the finrot as instructed by my petsore and did a 50% water change, but what about the clamping? the petstore checked a sample of the tankwater today too and they say the levels are fine, not perfect, but nothing to be concerned about. so what else could cause the clamping? and more importantly, will the fins return to normal after treated?

p.s, i also added a little aquarium salt to aid recovery and not sure if you need to know, but if it helps, i recently lost a black moore to finrot because i mistook it for fin-nipping from my common gold, then 2 days later the common gold died of the same thing since i couldn't get it quick enough. that was about a fortnight ago and yesterday was the first noticable sign of any disease in the shubunkin. my remaining fish at present seem perfectly healthy.




  1. It is possible to recover.

    Just keep good water quality and feed well.

  2. Finrot is totally reversible but you need to figure out why it is happening.  It's usually associated with poor water quality.  Keep in mind that one goldfish needs 20 gallons with 10 more for each additional fish.  Clamped fins can sometimes be a sign of external parasites.


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