
Do fish drink seawater?

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Do fish drink seawater?




  1. If it is a saltwater fish then yes. If it is a Freshwater fish then no.

  2. Saltwaterfish constantly drink saltwater to prevent osmosis.

    Look it up!

  3. No, evian only I'm afraid. You may be able to pass of some tap water in an Evian bottle but fish are no fools!

    Good luck!

  4. Saltwater fish have to drink water because the water in their

    environment is saltier than the liquids in their bodies.

    Osmosis causes water from their body tissues to be released

    into their environment. Saltwater fish have to constantly

    drink large quantities of water to replace what they lose

    through Osmosis. Diffusion then releases the excess salts

    and minerals taken in and not needed. The salts and

    minerals exit through special cells at the base of their gills

    back into the saltwater. Saltwater fish urinate very little

    because of these processes. If saltwater fish didn’t drink the

    water they would shrivel up.

  5. Im guessing yes, because when they try to consume other foods the water will just go in with it anyway whether they want it to or not.

    Just a guess =D

  6. Fish don't "drink" at all.

    They absorb water through their gills.

    Freshwater fish have to carefully retain salts, and sea fish have to secrete excess salts.

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