
Do fit s**y athletic six pack hormone stacked Avatar owners all generally have really small?

by  |  earlier

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[disclaimer:This is a straightforward question. If you dont understand the question then dont comment. You may feel its worth telling me you dont understand but it is not, why? Because the very fact you dont understand means you are either underage or not on my wave length (weither way) so your not gonna float my boat and Im not gonna willingly give you a pair of bright sparkly new points. If you already have posted a "i dont understand" type comment then "eat me" and get the h**l out] PS If you are superstitious and star this question you will have good luck all week [that may be a lie but if you are superstitious can you now afford to take the chance? I think not]




  1. If they use anabolic steroids and do not use proper post cycle therapy, yes, they will have temporarily (and possibly permanent) shrunken testes. However, you don't need synthetic hormones to be s**y, athletic, or have a six pack.

  2. LOLL are you just passing the time until Olbermann comes on?? Did you take your meds my mentally unstable comrade?? Your seem to be jealous of roid-tards,which is something you should talk to your psychiatrist about.....

    Im not a roid-head - I have a six-pack - I work hard on it and my area..... is definitely big enough! So get off your fat-*** and stop putting sexyness down!

    Oh yea what was your question? right ya....they do have small Kiwis!!!!

  3. yessiree.

  4. I would say yes....they gotta make up for it somehow...and big trucks or loud bikes cost a lot more then steroids =)

  5. ur a ***** inn prick and a homo,

    i think u have aSmall Wiwi

  6. lol you said it all

  7. LOL

  8. yes :)

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