
Do flat feet disqualify you from military service?

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Do flat feet disqualify you from military service




  1. Not anymore, innovations in footwear has fixed that


  2. nope, I am in the army and have flat feet, they just tell you to buy shoes made for low arches.  if it gets severe enough, or you complain enough, they can refer you to get insoles made for your feet.  

  3. No, When you are in the reception center during your first week of basic training they do a "test" on your feet basically you get your feet wet and step on some paper but the only thing it does is determine what type of shoes they are going to issue you later on that week.

  4. No.

    I have flat feet.

    I joined the Navy in 1976, and I served until 2001.

  5. Technically yes but you can get a waiver for anything these days. They waived me for it and I have pretty bad flat feet.

  6. Flat feet are disqualifying if they are symptomatic (e.g. pain) or there is a history of the use of custom orthotics or prescription foot wear to correct the problem. The source below is the medical standard.

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