
Do fleas survive out side in the Midwestern winters?

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I am a cat owner for the first time got really attached to her so i though i would battle some fleas after all shes worth it just found out about them today any way i know all about frontline going to get it tomorrow do i have to do this all year round, do fleas live out side in the midwest in the winter, or do they die like the ticks and chiggers?




  1. i dont think cold kills them, they just become dormant. or hibernate, whatever it is called.

    they are only active when it is warm

    dont give her frontline if you just gave her a flea bath, you could OD her.

  2. no, they do not survive the winters. Infact a lot of vets will be honest with you and tell you they only need to be on flea preventative 9 months out of the year. I strongly suggest you put your kitty on revolution rather than frontline. It's a much better product...many people have had complaints about frontline lately. Revolution also keeps other parasites away such as ear mites and heartworm. Many cat owners do not realize that heartworm in cats is untreatable. They think if dogs can be treated for it so can cats, it is a sad misconception. I'm sure you know that heartworm can be passed from a misquito bite, as seeing as you are concerned about the fleas I assume your kitty is outside from time to time.As far as I know you can only purchase Revolution at the vets office.

  3. Funny thing about fleas, they survive in the harsh winter up in Lake Takoe but not here in Reno-too dry.My poor cats suffered in California with mites, fleas and tapeworms.Since we moved them here they hardly ever scratch and none of the other problems.

  4. i work at a vet hospital. yes, fleas can survive in the winter climate in the midwest. it's very important for your cat to be on flea and tick prevention all year.

  5. They do survive the winter. I have 5 cats, and let 1 outside, due to inappropriate urination. I live in Detroit, MI. Last winter, they all got fleas. I would suggest getting your cat on Revolution, which protects against fleas, ear mites, heartworms, roundworms and hookworms. You can get it from your veterinarian. The intestinal parasites can be transmitted to humans, so I'd rather be safe than sorry! Even if she doesn't go outside, if you have other animals that do, like dogs or other cats, they can bring fleas into the house. Even if you have dogs that only go outside for walks, or to play in the yard, she should be on  Revolution.

  6. Adult fleas die in the cold, but the eggs are almost indestructible.

    Keep her on preventative all year 'round.  It's easier to prevent a flea outbreak than it is trying to get rid of an infestation.

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