
Do football players dislike cheerleaders ?

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i know its a ditzy question,but give me a break .

I'm a first year cheerleader, and i've been told that the majority of football players resent the cheerleaders because they think we're annoying, and dumb.

Not that it matters to me, i love cheer and i'd stick with it even if everyone hated me.But at the same time i'd rather not be under estimated by anyone, especially the team we're supposed to be supporting.

any opinions please ?




  1. Annoying? Yes, in some cases they are.

    Dumb? Not necessarily. Just because a girl happens to be a cheerleader, doesn't mean she's an idiot.

  2. Honestly, with all that goes on in a game, it's hard to notice the cheerleaders.

    Cheerleaders are a lot like the offensive lineman... you're not noticed by the team unless you s***w up.  Like the cheerleaders on my old JV team: they'd cheer for the defense when we had the ball and vice-versa, or not know what to do when we had a good drive going.  It was embarrassing, but they got better through the years.

    Besides, as long as you like doing it and have fun, who cares what other people think?

  3. Only the homosexual players.

    and all of the Dallas Cowboys.

    and all of the Dallas Cowboy fans.

  4. Uh...No...Football players don't dislike cheerleaders...They might try to get in your pants is all...*L*

  5. Yes they do and so do coaches. They are pointless. They dont pump up ****. Tell me your in the stands and your team breaks a 80 yard run, but there are no cheerleaders what should I do? It is not a sport and they are ANNOYING!!!!  

  6. "make sure that they know that your smart. "

    You might want to start with your grammar.

    Sure, "Boys like smart girls",  I guess you need to learn a little more about how the world works.

  7. I've heard from several football players that cheerleaders are annoying and their loudness is distracting, but you're there to get the crowd pumped up so I guess it doesn't really matter what the football players think as long as you don't annoy them so bad that they can't play well.

  8. depends on how much you put out

  9. It depends if your a smart cheerleader.  Boys like smart girls.  Just make sure that they know that your smart.  Otherwise the football players won't like you.


  10. If you don't act annoying and dumb you won't bee seen that way and you won't be disliked because of it.

  11. Ummmm.....ALL MEN LIKE CHEERLEADERS......

  12. h**l i never used to mind.....and maggie is right, guys like smart girls...and back when i played we could tell who were the "smarter girls" and we got along alot better than some of the others....but then again i was always polite to them all at first,because theywere out there to support us and i knew that what they did wasnt easy....but some of those girls were so over the top that they did get annoying....but overall i dont think that players "hate" or even really dislike cheerleaders......but im sure it depends on the player...ive played ball with some real jerks....

  13. Yes.  Footballers think about all those big hot sweaty muscled up bodies going to the showers. They do not have to admit even to themselves that it is their relief from the tension caused by suppressed tendencies.

  14. i dont hate the cheerleaders at my school, its just that most of us don't like the omg lol rofl lmao omg kind of girls, like the real ditzy Jessica Simpson kind of dumb but we do like girls who have common sense and are smart and not ditzy and dumb

  15. Why wouldn't a football player like a cheerleader? We have hot girls screaming for us and wearing small skirts. It sounds like a good deal to me. Plus it always was a good way to relax later for us players.LOL

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