
Do foreign countries use the same sign language as America?

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Do foreign countries use the same sign language as America?




  1. Yes.

  2. No there are 2 forms of sign. ASL which is used in America. Hence the name American Sign Language. I forget what the other is. I think it is SSL. Standard Sign Language. It is like the metric system. The world has theirs and America wants to do it different.

  3. No, different countries use different sign languages.  Just like spoken language, even within countries you'll come across different dialects.  For example, my brother who was raised in WA state had a hard time understanding some of his new college friends when he moved to NY for school and met Deaf adults from the south, east and midwest.  Actually, ASL (American Sign Language) has it's roots in French sign language as it was a Frenchman that brought it over to the States for the first Deaf school here.

  4. no just like there are different languages there are different sign languages. So u can't speak to some one that speaks spanish. Well an American signer cannot communicate with a Spanish signer it's the same concept.

  5. england doesn't...

  6. No its different in every country America uses ASL...American Sign Language

  7. yes  its universal

  8. Each country has their own version of sign language.

    But there IS an International Sign Language also.

  9. Short answer no. That's why it is called American Sign Language. Even between countries who have the same spoken language there is a difference in their sign language.

    For instance England, Australia and America all speak English but we all have a different signed language. America has ASL, Australia has Auslan and England had British sign language. It help to see the context in which sign language is seen which is as the language of the deaf community of that country, and is a language in it's own right rather than just a signed version of what is spoken.

  10. no-although some signs maybe the same-each country has their own sign language

  11. Sign languages develop specific to their communities and are not universal.

    There is no "universal sign language" or real "international sign language." There is a sign form called Gestuno that was developed by a committee of the World Federation of the Deaf. It's not really a language, more a vocabulary of signs that they all agree to use at international meetings. But no one really signs Gestuno as a native language.

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